Friday, January 28, 2005

Jeffery Hen Gets Sick

One morning after waking up to Roo's crowing, Jeffery Hen felt a big pain inside of her. She got up and went outside before the roosters came in from their hunt. Roo looked down and saw her and wondered why she was out so early. He flew out of the tree to see what was the matter and she told him that she wasn't feeling good and needed some fresh air.

Because Roo stopped crowing, all of the hens came out of their hen houses thinking it was time to eat, even Bear came out. The hens wondered what was going on, "Where is the food?"

Roo said, "Jeffery Hen is sick and she needs me to take care of here right now." The hens helped Jeffery hen to the waterhole to get some water and they all put together a nest for her in the nesting box of her house.

When the roosters arrived with the day's hunt, they were wondering why everybody was already out and why was Roo not crowing. The hens told the roosters that Jeffery Hen was sick. Jeffery Hen's appetite was completely gone for that one day. She slept in the nest box that night.

The next morning she was feeling a whole lot better. Little did Jeffery Hen know that inside her a little bitty egg yolk was forming. She went outside when Roo stopped crowing and ate like never before. She felt like she was hungry all of the time.

A couple of days went by and Jeffery Hen got sick again, this time she didn't feel like going outside, she went over and laid in her nest. When Roo stopped crowing she told Bear to go out without her. Little did Jeffery Hen know that inside of her the yolk was getting larger.

Roo looked down and saw Bear without Jeffery Hen. He flew out of the tree to see what was the matter. He went inside the hen house and saw Jeffery Hen in her nest box. He asked what was wrong and she said she felt too bad. Some of the hens came in to see if they could be of any help. They went to the watering hole and got her some water and brought it to her. This made her feel better.

The next day Jeffery Hen felt good enough to go outside and eat. Her appetite was so huge that the other hens were beginning to start worrying about her. She was also putting on a lot of weight and was very heavy. A few days later Jeffery Hen got sick again, this time she was all of the time wanting something to drink. She seems to want to stay at the waterhole all day long. Little did she know that inside of her the yolk has formed and now it is beginning to form the egg white. Jeffery Hen now was so big that she could barely stand on the perch inside of her house.

As time went by she started to sit in her nest. Very soon the nest started to feel real snug. Days later Jeffery Hen got sick again, this time the pain was very hard to bear. She got up out of her nest and went outside, she was craving sand and crushed eggshells. Little did she know that inside of her the egg was forming it's shell.

When the other hens noticed what she was doing they knew right away that Jeffery Hen was going to start laying an egg, but nobody wanted to tell her because they didn't know for sure. They knew if they told her and it wasn't true it would make her feel real bad.


Every since Jeffery Hen had this strange craving her bowel movement has stopped. This went on for almost a week. Little did she know that the egg inside of her is ready to come out. All day long she sit in her nest, the pain will come and go. Bear came into the house and she told him to go and get his daddy. Bear when and got Roo. Roo came in to see what she was wanting. She told Roo she was in so much pain that she can't stand it. She told him that she didn't have a bowel movement in almost a week now. She said, "I'm so heavy that I can't even stand."

Roo stayed with her for over an hour; then the sun started to go down. Bear came in and sat on the perch. Jeffery Hen started to push and push to get what she thought was her bowel movement out of her. She sure dreaded the fact that she was going to have this big movement in her nest, but she had no other choice. She really dreaded the fact that she is going to have to clean the mess up in the morning.

"Roo, please squeeze me!" she yelled. Roo squeezed her and squeezed her; at last all of it was out of her. Jeffery Hen felt so much better that she fell right to sleep in Roo's arms. Roo gently just sit her back into her nest. She slept completely sound all night.

Posted by Aunt Meaner

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Jeffery Hen Gives Up (Part 3)

Jeffery Hen tried to lay an egg for another week, ever since Vicki Hen laid her second egg. Each and every time she would hear another hen laying a egg she would get very disappointed, so she decided she would just give up.

She went outside and on top of another hen house a rooster was announcing the hatching of an egg at his hen house. Jeffery Hen and a few of the other hens went over to the couple's home to watch the egg hatch. The chick was mostly already has hatched, but the hens did get to watch it pull away the remaining part of the shell. The little chick started to get up and walk around.

Jeffery Hen didn't seem to get over the fact that she doesn't have one. When all of the hens started to leave Jeffery Hen was to the last to leave.

The next day there was another rooster announcing the hatching of another egg. This made matters even worse for Jeffery Hen. She was tempted to go and watch the chick come out of its shell.

The next day, when Jeffery Hen and Bear went outside to eat their morning meal, Roo flew out of the tree and joined his family as usual. Roo sure can tell that Jeffery Hen was not going to be happy until she has laid herself an egg. All of the other hens in the area has kindly been asking each other. "Is it that Jeffery can't lay an egg or is it Jeffery doesn't know how to lay an egg?" Everybody got a good laugh from the humor.

Some of the hens came up to talk to Roo about letting Jeffery Hen have an egg. Roo would say "I'm afraid Jeffery Hen wouldn't know how to take care of an egg or chick. The only thing Jeffery Hen knows how to do is eat and sleep."

Jeffery Hen started to clean out her nest of all of the straw and such stuff. Every night she slept on the roosting perch with Roo and Bear. Each morning, when Roo flies out of the window to start his morning crowing, Jeffery Hen seems to wake up somewhere around the last time he crows.

When Jeffery Hen goes outside to eat with Bear, Roo would always fly out of the tree as usual. Jeffery Hen would watch all of the other hens in the yard with their chicks. She even went over and talked to the other hens, it seems to her that the only thing they wanted to talk about was the twins Vicki Hen is going to have.

Bear would always be out playing with his friends all day. Each one wanted to grow up to be the town crower or go on the hunt with the other roosters.

Posted by Aunt Meaner

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Jeffery Hen Wants to Start a Family (Part 2)

Jeffery Hen watches the other hens play merrily in the picking ground with their chicks and the other chickens. In the morning a rooster from the area would get on top of his hen house and announce the laying of his hen's egg. Every time Jeffery Hen hears an announcement wonderment would cross her mind. She sometimes wondered what it would be like if Roo was to announce the laying of her egg.

Jeffery Hen would go and visit each and every hen whose husband announced the laying of their egg. Every time she visits she would say out of curiosity, "How do you get the egg?" Each and every hen would tell her that she would have to make a nest and sit in it.

Jeffery Hen went back home, she started to gather some straw from the picking ground and wherever she can find something soft to make her nest. She had a hard time finding enough material to make the nest. Each and every day Jeffery Hen would sit in the nest, but each morning when she wakes to the crowing of Roo she would get up and look back at the nest, no egg; a tear would come to her eye.

Outside Jeffery Hen hears the crowing of another rooster announcing the laying of an egg. This would make Jeffery Hen feel even worst. Jeffery Hen would always leave the nest and join Bear at the meal the other hens and roosters are eating outside. When Roo sees his family come out of the hen house, he would fly out of the tree to join them.

The next day Jeffery Hen woke up to the crowing of Roo. This time she was surprised, she heard the crowing of the same rooster announcing the laying of another egg. Jeffery Hen didn't know what to think.

Jeffery Hen got up out of her nest and she looked back at her nest, no egg! This time she didn't know what to think.

When Roo stopped crowing outside to let everybody know the roosters were back from their hunt, Jeffery Hen went out of the hen house and started toward the hen house of the hen who now has two eggs. Roo saw Jeffery Hen leave the hen house, he flew out of the tree to see what was upsetting her.

"What's the matter Jeffery Hen?" said Roo.

Jeffery Hen said, "I just want to talk to the hen with two eggs."

Jeffery Hen and Roo both went to visit the lucky couple. They got to see both eggs. The couple was Vicki Hen (Vicki Lynn Coleman) and her husband. The couple said that they will soon be the proud parents of twins!

A tear came into Jeffery Hen's eye, then another one and another, then finally she broke down and wept. Roo said, "Don't cry, dear, you'll be a mother one of these day's, just wait and see."

Jeffery Hen said, "Everybody has chicks but me, even my own husband here has one."

Vicki Hen and her husband wished Jeffery Hen and Roo luck as they when back home.

Posted by Sherry

Saturday, January 8, 2005

Jeffery Hen – Part 1

The events you are about to read are true. To protect the innocent the people have been changed to chickens. The locations, occupations, and so on, have also been changed. Only the names will remain the same (Hee-hee).

Jeffery Lynn is a big fat hen.
She lays eggs for the railroad men,
Sometimes nine and sometimes ten.
Jeffery Lynn, she's a big fat hen.

Once upon a time in a land of chickens, there lived a hen named Jeffery Lynn, but everybody just called her JEFFERY HEN . One day Jeffery Hen got married. Her husband is R. Randy Ratliff; but because the first two letter of his first name is Ru and he is a rooster, he earned the nickname ROO , which is also the first three letters in rooster.

Jeffery Hen also became a mother too! When she married Roo he had a son. His name is Robert Ratliff, because of the b-e-r letters in his name, they just added the letter 'a' to it, making it b- e-a-r; so he earned the nickname BEAR .

Jeffery Hen became a wife, mother and hen house homemaker all in one day. The only thing she ever did in her life was eat and sleep; so she didn't know what to expect next. They were all a family of three. They lived in a community named Chickenville (Gainesville). Their home was a four chicken chicken house, it was only big enough for four chickens.

Roo's main duty to his community was to be the "Town Crower." Quick as the sunrises and the light shines through the opened window, Roo will fly out the window and perch on the highest limb of the Redwood tree in the middle of the yard. When Roo crows to wake up the town; all of the other roosters get up first to go look for whatever they can and bring it back to the picking ground for all the hens and pullets, as well as themselves, to eat. When the roosters return with the grass, straw, weed seeds or whatever. Roo will stop crowing; this is the message to everybody that is is time to eat. Roo always waits till he sees Jeffery Hen and Bear outside before he would fly out of the tree and join his family for the morning meal.

The four chicken hen house was about three square foot, it sits on four cement blocks. Inside there is a roosting perch where three chickens can sit in comfort; there was also a nesting box for the hen to set. There was a window and a door. As time when by, Jeffery Hen wanted to start a family of her own; she wanted to have a chick to pamper. She would watch the other hens in the area eat and protect their chicks. The only chick she had was Bear and he is too big to be a baby.

Posted by Aunt Meaner