Monday, April 23, 2007

The Pusher - Steppenwolf

Here it is, Michelle's first church solo...

I think she knew all the lyrics at one time.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Biblical Curse Generator

I just found a website that will generate biblical style curses for you.

Here are a few of my favorites...

  • Woe unto thee, O thou bull of Bashan, for you will be thrown into a den of hyperactive lions!
  • Thou shalt be pursued into the mountains by sex-mad baboons, O thou son of thunder!
  • O that thou wouldest be swallowed by a whale with excessively bad breath, thou lying Girgashite!
  • I hope you will be as welcome as a fart in the queen's bedchamber, O thou wayward winebibber!

Try it out for yourself. Never know when you might need a good curse.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jeffery Hen Lays An Egg

When all of the chickens awoke to the crowing of Henry, all of them were in wonderment. A big crowd gathered around the hen house. Roo came out and said that Jeffery Hen might lay her egg today.

All of the roosters decided to go on their hunt. All of the hens decided that some of them are going to have to stay and help keep watch; and some of them are going to have to help out with the hen with the big egg. They all decided because the hen house was so small that two hens will have to do.

Roo asked Jeffery Hen did she want him to stay with her or the hens. She said in a very low voice, "Roo I would appreciate it very much if you would just stay outside, just in case I do need you."

The two hens stayed with her until the roosters came in with the daily meal. When they did the hens decided that they must take turns at going in and out to feed. Roo also took turns with them. Roo always kept an eye on Bear and Panda while he was out feeding. Roo said, "Bear, I am leaving you in charge of taking care of Panda while we are taking care of Jeffery Hen. Just let her play with the twins, but don't let her out of your sight."

Jeffery Hen was in the hen house with the two hens; her moaning got so bad it could be heard a distance away. Roo stepped back into the hen house and took hold of her; she wrapped her wings around him and started to squeeze. She could feel the egg inside of her and wanted to get it out fast. When the egg finally came out she said in a low voice, "I laid the egg!"

The hens told Roo to let them see if she did. Roo lifted her up and the hens did see the egg. "Its a bigger egg then the other one she laid," said one of the hens.

Roo said, "Does that mean it will be a boy?"

The hen said, "I guess so."

Roo laid Jeffery Hen back into her nest. Jeffery Hen was still awake. Roo asked her did she want him to go and announce the laying of her egg.

Jeffery Hen said, "Yes."

Roo flew out of the hen house and flew up in the top of the tree. "Jeffery Hen has laid an egg!", he crowed. As usual, several hens started gathering around the hen house.

Posted by Sherry

Monday, April 9, 2007

Jeffery Hen - Any Day Now

After Jeffery Hen told Roo about the big egg, Roo wanted to do some studying. He took a feather out of his tail and went over to the hen house that had the big egg.

He saw the rooster outside of his house. He told the rooster he wanted to measure the egg with his tail feather. The rooster's hen was still in a lot of pain, there were still a lot of hens hanging around the hen house. Roo saw he would have to wait for a better day to see how big the egg is. He went back home.

Jeffery Hen was in her nest. Roo could tell that she wasn't feeling good. He told her he wanted to know how big the egg was by measuring it with his feather.

Jeffery Hen said, "Well, how big was it?"

Roo said, "I couldn't measure it, there were just too many hens hanging around the hen house."

Jeffery Hen said, "Be glad there are a lot of helpful hens."

It was getting late, Bear and Panda had just stepped into the hen house. Roo said, "Ready to go to roost!"

Bear said, "I guess so. We wanted to see that big egg but it wasn't possible."

Roo said, "Tomorrow is another day." All three of them flew up to the roosting perch. Roo sure can tell that the hen house wasn't going to be big enough. Even when Jeffery Hen was in her nest box the perch still looked too short.

That night Jeffery Hen started to groan and moan. Roo asked Jeffery Hen did she need him to be with her in the nest. The pain would come and go every few minutes. Bear and Panda complained about the noise all night also.

Quick as the sun came out, Bear and Panda flew out of the hen house as fast as they could. Roo couldn't leave Jeffery Hen in the condition she was in. He when to the door and hollered for Bear. Bear said, "What is it."

Roo said, "Bear, go tell Henry to do the crowing for me, cause I have to stay here with Jeffery Hen."

Bear ran as fast as he could to Henry and Heniette's house. "Henry!", Bear yelled.

Henry came to the door. "What is it Bear?", he was still yawning.

Bear said, "Dad told me to get you to do his crowing because Mom isn't feeling well." Henry flew out of his hen house, flew to the high tree and started crowing. All of the roosters came out, but was in wonderment over the different crowing sound.

Posted by Sherry

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


By now you may have noticed that I've had to put an Adult Content warning on the StalkerClan Site. I was forced to by one of Michelle's risque stories. The following is another of her stories and I simply cannot bring myself to put it on the StalkerClan so close to Austin and Cameron in their little league uniforms and our Happy Birthday wish for Patty.

I'm thinking about renaming this site 'SchellSHOCKED' and putting her R-Rated and X-Rated stories here. Wait until you've read the following story then tell me what you think in the comments...

mmmm MMMM Chocolate

I was with a certain relative the other day and we stopped at the restroom at a Quick Mart. Not wanting to go in by herself, she asked me to go in with her. I was staning there when I looked up at the birth control protection dispenser and said, "Thank goodness we don't need those things anymore."

They looked at the machine and said, "Yes, using Kotexs are aggervating."

I said that is not a Kotex machine, that is a birth control protection dispenser. She walked over and started reading the different catagories on the machine. Insert 75 cents it said. There were 4 machines and when she got to the 4th one it said "Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla".

She said, "I thought you said this was a birth control protection dispenser."

I said, "It is."

She said, "Well, what is the chocolate, vanilla and the strawberry about?"

I said, "You don't know?"

She said, "NO. I don't."

I began telling her my very limited knowlege of it and her face drew up and she put her hand up and said, "STOP IT, STOP IT, YOU'RE MAKING ME SICK!"

Needless to say, they didn't get 75 cents from us.

Posted by Michelle