Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Matt

Today is Matt’s birthday and I’ve been trying to think of a good story about him to post on the StalkerClan.  I thought of a good one but I’m afraid to tell it, I fear Sara will throw him out of the house.

There is another good story I could tell but it’s so bad it even embarrasses me.  I better just be quiet and say…


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Mindy


We’re all thinking of you and hope you have a great birthday.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Carlos’ Big Week


It’s that time of year again and another big week for Carlos has rolled around. 

His ‘To Do List’ is always full this time of year.

The Santa Train has come and gone.  Now it is his birthday and before the day is done there will be a big Thanksgiving dinner to eat.


(Don’t eat too much.)

Here is a photo of the Santa Train stopping in Elkhorn City this past Saturday.  I’m not sure where Carlos is in this picture, but I bet he’s in there somewhere.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I want you all to know that I am getting ready to start fixing up on the goody bags. I would like to know who all wants a goody bag and who does not. I have already heard from one person saying they didn't want a goody bag.

If you do not want a goody bag just leave a comment saying so. If you do want a goody bag, I have to admit I would like to know what you would like to have in yours.

Sherry Claus

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Having a Good Day?

We all complain so often about having a bad day. Since most of us are at least approaching if not past middle age, can we still remember what a good day would look like? After discussions with several family members lately my definition has been refined.  If you haven't been to the emergency room, or the morgue, and haven't pooped your pants, you are having a good day. So any time you start to complain, stop and check your pants. If they are still clean, you are having a good day.


Editors Note:

I think Luci has come up with a valuable tool than many readers of the StalkerClan will find very useful.  In case anyone is having trouble following her description, I put together this ‘Decision Tree’ to help explain her logic. 

Some of you may want to print out a copy of this handy tool to carry in your purse or pocket book.  I know I’m going to.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

JEFFERY HEN - Roo Remembers the Feather

The following morning while all was out eating at the picking ground, Roo remembers the feather he used to measure the eggs the triplets and Crystal Fawn were inside of before they were born. Roo flew up in the tree and reached into the crack were he put the feather. He flew back down to the picking ground to show everybody how big the eggs were.

Roo said, "I remember this feather barely did reach all around that big egg. Look how big it was!" He circled the feather all around.

Everybody looked with amazement, "Oooh!!" as they all looked at its size.

He said, "This is how big the egg that Crystal Fawn was in." He put the end of the feather into the notch he made from the time. "It's exactly half the size of the big egg."  As he showed halving the feather to prove his point. Then he showed how small the real little bitty egg was. "It is a third the size of the big egg," bending the feather to show it is one third its length.

Everybody was amazed with the story.

The triplets and Crystal Fawn can only watch, they didn't quite understand what was going on yet.

One of the hens was new to the neighborhood, she wasn't around when the triplets were born. She asked, "How did the hen lay that big of an egg?"

Roo said, "That's a long story."

Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday’s Fun Foto # 11

This photo has appeared on the StalkerClan before, but just like the classic pic of Michelle with the plastic bag on her head, it needs to be brought out for everyone to enjoy now and then.