Thursday, February 24, 2005

Jeffery Hen Tries to Name Her Baby

It was finally springtime and the trees were blossoming out real pretty. Jeffery Hen was thinking what it would be like when her baby hatched and they both could enjoy the outdoors together. While she was sitting there she finally realized she hasn't picked out a name for her baby yet. When Roo came into the hen house with something for her to eat, she said, "Roo, what are we going to name the baby?"

Roo said, "I'll be thinking about it."

Bear came into the hen house while Jeffery Hen was eating, she asked him, "Bear, what do you think will be a good name for the baby?"

Bear said, "I never thought of naming it."

Jeffery Hen said, "Don't you think it should have a name?"

Bear said, "Yes, but I didn't think I was going to get to name it."

Jeffery Hen said, "You might come up with the perfect name."

Bear smiled and went back outside.

Jeffery Hen looked outside, she saw Vicki Hen out there in the yard with her twins. Jeffery Hen yelled, "Hello Vicki Hen."

Vicki Hen said, "Why hello Jeffery Hen. How are you?"

Jeffery Hen said, "I'm fine, but I believe those twins of yours sure are a handful."

She said, "They sure are, but I wouldn't take anything for either one of them."

Jeffery Hen said, "They sure are growing and getting prettier everyday."

Vicki Hen said, "They'll be grown before I know it."

Jeffery Hen said, "What did you name your twins."

She said, "Fonda and Vonda."

Jeffery Hen sat around the house all day wondering what to name the baby. She said to herself, "Maybe Roo Jr. if its a boy and Sherry Hen if its a girl."

She thought and thought, then she said, "Maybe Herman Sherman if a boy and Gertie Hurtie if a girl. Maybe Clucky Clyde if a boy or Lucille Seal if a girl. Maybe Michelle Snail if a girl and Jim Slim if a boy."

Each and everyday she would think about what to name the baby and every name she would think up Roo didn't seem to like any of them. As time went by she seemed to have run out of names.

Posted by Aunt Meaner

Monday, February 21, 2005

Jeffery Hen - The Twins Hatch

Wintertime was almost over in Chickenville. It was one of those days that was called Indian summer or something like that. It was so warm that Jeffery Hen decided it was alright to just leave her nest and egg for a while and go outside and see what was going on for the first time in a while.

While she was outside Vicki Hen's husband told her he wanted to let her be the first one to know that the twins were hatching. He also told her to hurry over there before he announced it to everybody.

Jeffery Hen hollered for Bear; when Bear came she told him to tell his daddy where she was and to make sure nothing happened to her egg. Bear hurried as fast as he could to tell Roo about Jeffery Hen going to watch the hatching of the twins!

Roo hurried back to the nest to make sure the egg would stay warm. Roo also thought the day was extra warm and that the egg would remain warm enough; but he did not want to take any chances, so we covered it with the corn shucks and tried to sit in the nest. He was afraid he would break the egg so he decided to just wait there till Jeffery Hen got back home.

Quick as Jeffery Hen entered Vicki Hen's hen house, her husband got upon the roof of their house and started to announce the hatching of the twins. When he did it seemed like all of the hens in the neighborhood wanted to watch.

Jeffery Hen got to watch the first chick finish coming out of its shell, when all of the other hens came in it was already out. The other egg was just sitting there, not even moving. Vicki Hen picked it up to see if she could hear anything in it. She said, "Well, I can hear the heart beating inside of it."

They looked the egg over and they didn't even see a crack or nothing in it. Jeffery Hen was so disappointed cause she wanted to see how the chick's first crack into this world.

She started to worry about her own egg. Jeffery Hen said, "I'm going back home to see how things are there. I'll be back very shortly."

When Jeffery Hen got home; she sees Roo sitting close to the nest. She got up in her nest to make sure it was warm. She told Roo about the other egg not hatching.

When she thought that the egg was warm enough for a while, she told Roo she was going back over there to see if the egg had cracked yet. This time when she got there all of the other hens has given up on the other egg and had left.

Vicki Hen picked the egg up again and turned it. This time when she turned it she noticed a little bitty crack in the shell. She said, "Jeffery Hen, look here!" Jeffery Hen moved closer to the egg and saw a little crack in it. Vicki Hen laid the egg back down and soon they saw a little tooth pick out of the shell.

The other little chick was sound asleep in the nest beside of the egg. She watched the crack get bigger and bigger, soon the shell has completely broken open and the chick finally came out of the shell. The baby chick laid down beside of its brother and fell sound asleep.

"Two babies in one day.", said Jeffery Hen.

Jeffery Hen went back home to tell Roo about the twins. Roo was glad to see her and told her he was glad she got to see the hatching. She got back into her nest and when she did, she picked up her egg to make sure she hears the baby's heartbeat. When she heard it she knew it was all right and put it back down.

Posted by Aunt Meaner

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Jeffery Hen - Takes Care of An Egg

Each and every day it was the same thing...Jeffery Hen would sit in her nest, trying to keep her egg warm. It had to be in the winter time she laid the egg. Every morning Roo would get out and crow; when the roosters came back from their hunt he would just fly out of the tree and get whatever he thinks Jeffery Hen needs to eat and bring it into the hen house. Bear and Roo also went to the watering hole to get water and bring it to her.

Jeffery Hen was awfully anxious about the egg; she would pick it up from time to time trying her best to see if she would hear anything in it. She was hoping she would at least hear something inside of the egg, but for weeks she heard nothing. A neighboring hen come in to see how she was doing and Jeffery Hen asked her when will she hear anything inside of the egg. The hen told her it would be shortly, but the first thing she will hear is the chick's heartbeat. When you start hearing it you know your chick is doing just fine and is healthy.

Days turned into months and each day Jeffery Hen would sit in her nest and then, finally, she got a surprise, she heard a sound inside her egg. When Roo came into the house with something for her to eat, she told him about the sound. Roo tried to listen but couldn't seem to make out the sound.

The next morning a rooster from the neighborhood was announcing the laying of an egg; Jeffery Hen said to herself, "I'm far ahead of her." Jeffery Hen would sit in her nest and as time went by she noticed at least eight hens in the neighborhood had laid an egg since she has laid hers. She also noticed about five hens had chicks to hatch out of an egg. She was hoping that hers would be next; but only time will tell.

As she sat in her nest she was wondering when Vicki Hen's eggs were going to hatch; she would really would like to go and see them hatch out. When Roo and Bear came in for the night, she told Roo that whenever Vicki Hen's husband announces the hatching of her twins, she would like to go and watch.

Roo said, "If its possible, but it will have to be on a warm day; cause I don't know how to keep the egg warm for you."

Jeffery Hen said, "Surely you can find something we can put over it just to keep it warm that long."

Roo when outside and found some corn shucks and laid them beside her nest. He said, "These should do for just that little dab of time you will spend away from the nest."

Posted by Aunt Meaner

Sunday, February 6, 2005

Jeffery Hen Finds Out - She Laid An Egg

Jeffery Hen slept sound all night. She didn't even hear Roo crow. She also didn't notice Roo, Bear, or any of the neighboring hens coming in and checking on her from time to time.

When she finally did wake up it was almost noon. She woke up thinking she was sitting on her bowel movement and knew she had it all over her. She said to herself, "Roo put me like back into my nest."

She started noticing that she doesn't smell any odor coming from the nest. She also noticed that Bear was just outside the door keeping check on her. She finally got up on her feet and noticed she was a whole lot lighter then she was before. She also noticed the pain and heaviness was gone. She got up out of her nest and sat on the brim of the nest box. She stretched out her wings and neck, she also opened her mouth out and yawned real big. Then at last she finally looked into her nest.

She couldn't believe what she sees, there was no bowel movement in her nest, she noticed there was a nice, shiny, white egg in the box!

When she saw it she got all excited and started to cackle, "I laid an egg, I laid an egg." Bear and some of the hens nearby heard her and started toward the hen house. Bear jumped upon the hen house to announce the laying of her egg. Roo was in the yard talking to some of the other roosters and saw all of the hens running toward his hen house, he also sees Bear trying to crow on top of the hen house. He rushed over to investigate the matter.

When he finally got there Bear was trying to announce that Jeffery Hen has laid an egg. Roo tried to get into his hen house, but he had to get some of the hens out of his way. He said, "What's going on here?"

The hens started to sing, "Jeffery Hen has laid an egg."

Roo said, "So that's what Bear was trying to say." He wanted to see for himself if this is true. He got up on the perch and looked inside of the nest and lo and behold there was an egg. He hugged Jeffery Hen and and said, "I'm proud of you, Dear." Roo flew out of the hen house and up the tree where he crowed his loudest, "Jeffery Hen has laid an egg." He repeated this over and over for at least fifteen minutes.

When all of the hens had heard this announcement they all wanted to go and see the egg. They all gave Jeffery Hen some very important advice. Jeffery Hen didn't know that you have to keep the egg warm all of the time and she also didn't know that the egg had to be turned every so often. She didn't like the idea that it will be months before the egg will be ready to hatch. She was looking forward to a very busy winter and spring; the coldest seasons of the year.

The hens told Jeffery Hen she has to turn the egg every morning when she wakes up in the morning, noon, evening and before she goes to sleep at night. They also told her that she has to make sure that the egg will stay warm each and every time she leaves the nest to get something to eat or drink. The hens told her if she's not careful the egg might get a crack in it and if it does the chick will not grow and the whole egg will be of no use.

Jeffery Hen thanked the hens for their advice, but she sure didn't expect all of the work that was involved with caring for just one egg. She wonders how Vicki Hen is doing with her two eggs; she must be very exhausted by now.

Each and everyday the hens will come in and check on her to make sure she was getting along just fine with her egg. Roo always brings her something to eat and something to drink every morning when the roosters comes in from their hunt.

Posted by Aunt Meaner