Friday, January 29, 2010

No More Birthdays, Again

Last year Jennie insisted she wasn’t going to celebrate any more birthdays.  Well, darned if another one hasn’t rolled around again anyway.

I guess we should follow her directions, so…

  • Don’t be calling to wish her a Happy Birthday.  (I’ll probably be taking a nap and you’ll just wake me up.)

  • Don’t be sending her any cute, singing, animated, email birthday wishes.  (They tear my anti-virus program up.)

  • Don’t be leaving her birthday greetings on Facebook. (She never looks at it anyway.)

I guess presents would be OK.  And if anyone wants to drop off a birthday cake, I’ll take real good care of it till Jennie gets home from work.

I guess it would be alright to wish her a Happy Birthday here on the StalkerClan if you want.  She knows all of us can’t follow directions very well anyway.


JEFFERY HEN - The Neighborhood Is Waiting

( Hey, maybe this Hen Tale will remind Jennie of long, long ago when she was a Young Chick. )

While all of the hens in the neighborhood were standing around the henhouse of Cluck and Jenny Hen, the elder hen finally showed up.  She said, "Let me see if I can be of any help!" All of hens let her though the crowd so she can look into the doorway where Cluck and Bran was staying, keeping anybody from entering.

"Can I be of any help!" called the elder hen.

Cluck decided to let her inside the house, but he didn't want anybody else to enter. "What's the matter?” she asked. All three of them looked at each other and couldn’t decide what to say or do. "Is something wrong?"

Jenny Hen said, "I don't want anybody to know this."

"What?" asked the elder hen. "Did you break your egg?"

Jenny Hen said, "No."

Cluck said, "If you promise not to tell. Bran go outside." Bran went outside as he was told. The crowd asked him what was going on inside the henhouse. Bran said, "I don't know, they won't let me know."

The elder hen said, "I promise I won't tell."

Cluck stayed at the doorway to make sure nothing was heard. "Come up to the nest," said Jenny Hen. The elder hen flew up to the nest and Jenny Hen said, "Shhh, be very quiet I don't won't anybody to know this." The elder hen put her wing to her mouth and Jenny Hen exposed the egg.

The elder hen was in a big surprise, she didn't know what to think. In a low voice she said, "I never seen a brown egg before."

Jenny Hen said, "Neither have we."

The elder hen said, "I don't know what to tell you to do, but in the meantime just take care of it just the same as if it was a white egg.  I'll be back in a few days to see if it is all right, and see if I can hear a heartbeat inside of it.  When did you laid it?”

Jenny Hen said, "Two days ago."

Cluck said, "You promise not to tell."

The elder hen said, "Don't worry, I’ll just tell them you laid your egg."

When the elder hen exited the henhouse the hens started crowding around her, wanting to know about what was going on in the henhouse.

The elder hen said, "Jenny Hen had laid her egg, but its to the best if all would just leave her alone for the time being. I will be back in a few days to check to make sure it is all right."

Jeffery Hen said, "Well, girls lets go home." Jeffery Hen, Panda and Crystal Fawn left to go home. Panda and Crystal Fawn wanted to see the egg. Jeffery Hen said, "I'm sorry girls, but maybe it to the best."

The next morning the roosters brings in the morning grain. Cluck and Bran always comes out of the henhouse and eat. They take some inside of the henhouse for Jenny Hen to eat.

Everybody was waiting.


Friday, January 22, 2010


Today January 22, 2010, Dad is now 85 years of age.  Do you all remember the song
Billy Boy?

Oh, where have you been Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Oh, where have you been charming Billy?

I have been to see my wife, she's the fairest of my life.
She's a young thing and cannot leave her mother.

Did she set for you a chair Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Did she set for you a chair charming Billy?

Yes, she set for me a chair, she has ribbons in her hair.
She's a young thing and cannot leave her mother.


(The song continues on March 20, when mother turns 85.)


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cammy’s New Tennis Shoes

We all were invited to Jaden’s birthday party at Aunt Nancy’s house.  And when I say ‘we all’, I do mean ‘we all’.  We took Grandmother, Cameron, Emily, Blair, Mindy, and our selves.  We were the bulk of the party.  You might say we were the party on wheels.  We had to take two cars just to get us all there. 

The party was a big hit!  As usual, Aunt Nancy had the best food, and more of it than we could possible eat, not that we didn’t do our best to help her get rid of it.  The younger children squealed as they played on the big inflated toy in the front yard that Nancy bought for Jaden . The older children played football and rode on the golf cart.  The really old children, Crystal, Amber, Lauren, and the others their age, stood around taking pictures and chasing the children on riding toys.  Everyone had a great day. Then it was time to go home.

As we loaded up in the car, I remembered that I had promised Cameron a pair of new tennis shoes for Christmas.  I thought this would be a good time to stop at JC Penny and let him help pick them out, and try them on to make sure they fit.  NOT!

As we pulled into the parking lot, I heard Cameron say, “Grandma, do you have a paper towel  or a wet one? “

”No Cameron, I don’t. Why?”

“Emily needs one.”

I don’t think too much about it until we got out of the car and I got a good look at Emily. She now had a face full of red candy, smeared all over her face and hands. First stop - Woman’s Room.

After cleaning up Emily’s face and getting everyone to use the bathroom, we were on our way to get Cameron’s shoes.  Mindy was with me and she stated that she needed shoes too.

“Lets look and see what they have on the 70% off rack guys,”  I insisted as we entered the shoe area.  There sitting right on top was a really cool pair of shoes. Vans, black with a silver design. They were really bad!  At least I thought so.

Mindy said she thought they were boy shoes, but that she would wear them. They were pretty cool. Cameron stuck his nose up and the air and said, “I don’t like those,  let me look over here.”  He headed for the young children’s shoes and found just what he wanted.  I tried to explain to him that they do not make that shoe in an adult size.  He just looked at me with a puzzled expression.

We spent the next 30 minutes in the men’s section trying to find him an inexpensive pair of shoes. I would find a pair I thought he would like at a decent price, and he would ‘poo poo’ them.  He would find a really cool pair for $80 and I would just walk the other way.  The expression on my face and the tight grip on my purse said it all.

Now my patience were wearing thin and I had Emily and Blair with me also.  Enough said.  This created a thin line between pure insanity and total stupidity.  I saw no positive to my situation.

Then it hit me!   What would Luci do?  (WWLD?)  The answer came to me in seconds.  I found the ugliest, cheapest shoes I could find and told Cameron, “Here Cameron, try these on. These are the shoes I’m going to buy you.”

He took one look at the shoes and headed for the 70% off rack.  “No Grandma!”  I will wear these.”  He picked up the ones we had looked at first, the ones Mindy had. “They will do just fine,”  he said.

He tried them on and they fit him perfect. They looked great, until he rolled his foot up on his toes and I saw the back of the shoe.  On the heel of the shoe was two very pretty gold hearts.  My heart stopped and I pulled my purse closer to my body.  Now I really had to search my soul.  Do I save 30 dollars and let him wear the pretty hearts, or look for something else.  I was now crossing that thin line into insanity.

I had to ask myself two things, was I gong to do what Luci would do, or was I going to listen to the voice of my brother Clyde.   Each voice was telling me a different thing.

Luci’s calm voice was saying, “ Don’t do this to Cameron.  It will scar him for the rest of his life. The boys at school will tease him and ruin his self image.”

Clyde, in my other ear was saying, “He deserves to wear those shoes after what he did to me.  Buy them now!  Hurry and buy them now!”

I heard myself say every so downheartedly, “Cammy, you can’t have those shoes.”

He looked at me with a very strange look, “Grandma,what are you talking about?’

“They have hearts on them Cameron.”  He jerked the shoes off with total disgust. 

As he pulled the shoes off, I heard the lady’s voice over the loud speaker,  “Please go to the nearest checkout counter and check out. The store will close in 5 minutes.”

Cameron ran for the $50 shoes he had wanted.  No turning back now.   He had won.  My purse was broke, but Cammy still had his manhood intact.  Thanks a lot Luci!  I should have listened to Clyde.  I would have $30 in my pocket.


Grandma Jeff

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tiger and Imelda Stalker

When I talked to the folks this morning, Dad said Mom was mad at him. He gave a woman at the Senior Citizens Center two dollars to pay for her lunch. Mom said she didn't care how many women he had, he shouldn't be throwing his money around like that. I asked Mom if he was trying to act like Tiger Woods. She got a kick out of that.

Where did you get that nine iron, Gert?

She said we shouldn't have gotten her so much for Christmas. She has so many clothes she can wear something different every day. I said we can just call you ‘Imelda’ (Marcos) and call Dad ‘Tiger’.

Please say a prayer for them (and Clyde) that their power doesn't go out. It was on and off several times last night. Mom has knee replacement surgery scheduled for January 18th. We need to pray that all goes well with that too.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Tattling Witch

So, I have been taking these child care classes at night.  They have been going pretty well.  I have learned a lot so far.  My teacher, Ms. Liz, is full of neat teaching techniques and ideas.  Every once in while she will share some sort of idea or theory that strikes my attention about problems that I have at home with my own three kids.  About a month ago she started talking about how to deal with tattle tales.  Well, I have three of the biggest tattle tales in the South living in my house (four if you count me).  Anyway, I was all ears. 

The Three Tattle Tales

Ms. Liz explained that tattling is usually done to get attention so you have to get to the root of the problem.  Don't give the tattler any attention when they tattle.  You simply designate some sort of inanimate object for the children to take their tattles to.  She said she had actually seen the exercise played out with a stuffed turtle.  The children had to take their tattles to the "Tattling Turtle".  After a few times the children grew tired of talking to an unresponsive stuffed animal and gave up tattling all together.  It was either the most genius or most ridiculous things I had ever heard. 

A trial run would be the only way to tell.  I couldn't wait to try it out on the kids.  As soon as we all got in the car together, the next afternoon after school, the tattles started.  I smiled to myself and calmly stated, "Everyone save those tattles.  I have something special at home to show you."  The kids got quiet and looked around at each other.  They were quite puzzled.  I refused to divulge any more information until we got home.

When we got to the house, I ran in before them and grabbed the stuffed witch Ms. Liz had given me for Halloween.  They had not seen it before and so I introduced her like this, "Hey, kids.  I want to introduce you to someone.  This is the “Tattling Witch”.  She has come here to relieve me of my tattle listening duties.  From now on when you have a tattle you will go to her and spill your little guts out.  She will be glad to listen.  That means I will no longer be taking any tattles, from anyone, from now on.  Understand?" 

Mom, that is the stupidest thing I ever heard. Caleb's eyebrows furrowed.  He looked confused.  Caitlyn laughed hysterically.  Austin rolled his eyes and said, "Mom, that is the stupidest thing I ever heard.  I know what you are doing and it's not going to work." 

I raised my eyebrows in a matter of fact way and responded, " Oh, I'm sorry Austin but all complaints must be taken to the tattling witch also."  Boy was I smart!  I was so pleased with myself. 

The kids sat in a stupor for about three minutes and then life went on as usual for about an hour.  Jevon worked late that night and so it was just the kids and I who sat down for dinner.  That's when it all started. 

I heard Caleb and Caitlyn starting to argue as we sat down to our plates.  Caitlyn immediately turned to me and squealed, "MOM!  Caleb is..." 

But I quickly shut that show down,  "Uh-uh-uh."  I stuck my hand up in "talk to the hand" pose and said, "You know where to take that tattle don't you?  Remember I am retired."  I pointed to the witch manning her post on the end table. 

Caitlyn's lip curled up and her shoulders slumped as she looked at me to see how serious I really was.  I turned my head and made a shooing motion with me hand.  She slid out of her chair with a thud and walked very slowly to the witch.  I couldn't hear what she was saying (which was the whole point of the drill) but I could hear the all too familiar "tattle-tone" of her words as they whined out of her. 

She tattled for a good while.  Then she stopped and stared at the witch.  Nothing happened.  She leaned in.  Still nothing.  She turned her head and put her ear so close to the witch’s mouth that I think they were touching.  She sat that way for about 30 seconds.  Then to my surprise, a smile began to grow on Caitlyn's face.  It grew into a giggle and then she shook her head in agreement to something.  She raced back to the table and plopped down in her seat. 

I couldn't help but think that, in fact, Ms. Liz was a genius.  Thank you Ms. Liz!  I looked at Caitlyn and asked, "So, how did it go, Squirrel?" 

She stated in a very uppity tone, "Well, I told the tattling witch about Caleb and she said that it wasn't that big of a deal.  I should just ignore him.  So I will." 

Man, this was going even better that I could have imagined.  Caleb looked irritated but he refrained from comment and continued eating.  After about five minutes the two were at it again.  This time Caleb yelled, "MOM!  Caitlyn won't stop...." 

I threw my hand up quick,  "Uh-uh-uh!  You know where to go, dude." 

The look of disgust on his face was priceless.  "But Mom, I don't want to...."  I threw my hand up again and shooed him to the witch.  He looked around the table as if he were looking for someone to save him from a walk to the plank.  Austin's head was down hiding his laughter and Caitlyn just smiled a snotty "Ha ha" smile at him.  He grimaced as he stomped to the witch.  To my surprise the same scenario played out again.  Tattle, tattle, tattle.....listen....lean back to the table he trotted.   As he sat down he was still smiling. 

Caitlyn was visibly distraught, however.  "What did you say to her?"  she demanded. 

"I just told her what you did to me.  She said it wasn't very nice of you." 

Caitlyn's mouth dropped open and she threw herself out of her chair.  This time she ran to the witch.  She talked, listened, grinned and sauntered back to the table.  As she sat down she shot a hot look Caleb's way and said, "By the way, Caleb... I just talked to the tattling witch and she said you are silly and she doesn't want to talk to you ever ever again, because she doesn't like your voice!" 

Caleb was outraged.  His mouth dropped.  Austin is still covering his snickers.  Caleb flies down from the table.  He races to the witch.  When he gets back he announces, "Guess what Caitlyn, the witch just told me that she doesn't want to be your friend anymore.  She never wants to see you again.  Ever!  Ever!" 

Caitlyn gasps.  This time they stare at each other, daring the other one to get down.  At this point I am questioning Ms. Liz's qualifications for teaching child care.  My dreams were shattering before me.  They were both squatted in their chairs, ready to run to the witch. 

I'm going to tell the witch on you.

I made a last ditch effort to diffuse the situation that was playing out, AT DINNER mind you.  I said, "Alright, that's enough..."  And with that they were off.  Neck and neck the whole way across the living room to the witch.  They were screaming about each other to her.  The whole time they were clawing at each other to get to her first.  This time I raced to the witch and pulled them both off of each other by their collars. 

As I sat them in their chairs I explained that the rest of dinner would be eaten in silence.  That's when Austin finally chimed in, "Well Mom, you tried.  But I told you it was a stupid idea." 

I love that witch! All I could do was sigh in defeat.  After dinner I took a bath and tried to wash away my disappointment.  When I got out, I found Caitlyn sitting in the kitchen with her Halloween bag.  Half of her candy was shoved in her mouth and she was having difficulty chewing it all. 

I was shocked!  She knows she has to ask to eat sweets and she always does.  This wasn't like her.  I said sternly, "Caitlyn, just what in the world do you think you are doing?  You did not ask Mommy if you could eat candy.  You know better!  Spit all of that out, now." 

With her mouth still full I could barely understand her as she said, "Remember Mom?  The witch is the boss now.  I asked her and she said I could eat as much as I wanted!  I love that witch!"


Monday, January 4, 2010

Precious Moments

Here is another of Amber’s photos.  All I can say is, “Ohhh, How sweet!”

Photo from Amber’s Facebook

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Robbie’s Home in Texas

Crystal went to visit Robbie recently.  She wanted me to post a few photos of Robbie’s home in Texas.

Here’s the front, looks like it is all decorated up for Christmas.
The back of the house looks just as impressive as the front.
The back porch has an awesome fire pit.
Everyone’s favorite room … the kitchen.
Robbie’s shed out back has an exercise room upstairs. (Hey, I could live it there.  I wouldn’t need the exercise equipment though.)
Here are Crystal and Robbie watching the big game. (Built in flat screen TV with surround sound speakers recessed in the wall.  I am so jealous!)
I like this little touch, it reminds me of the plaque in Jeff and Randy’s kitchen.

I guess Crystal wanted us all to see how the rich Ratliff’s live.

Photos from Crystal’s Facebook Page

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Queen of the Divas

Here is another photo from Amber’s Facebook page…

I’m not sure what to make of this photo.  Does it have something to do with those “Stripper Shoes” that Traci gave Caitlyn some time back?  I’m beginning to wonder what Amber is teaching those kids of hers.

Photo from Amber’s Facebook page