It was finally springtime and the trees were blossoming out real pretty. Jeffery Hen was thinking what it would be like when her baby hatched and they both could enjoy the outdoors together. While she was sitting there she finally realized she hasn't picked out a name for her baby yet. When Roo came into the hen house with something for her to eat, she said, "Roo, what are we going to name the baby?"
Roo said, "I'll be thinking about it."
Bear came into the hen house while Jeffery Hen was eating, she asked him, "Bear, what do you think will be a good name for the baby?"
Bear said, "I never thought of naming it."
Jeffery Hen said, "Don't you think it should have a name?"
Bear said, "Yes, but I didn't think I was going to get to name it."
Jeffery Hen said, "You might come up with the perfect name."
Bear smiled and went back outside.
Jeffery Hen looked outside, she saw Vicki Hen out there in the yard with her twins. Jeffery Hen yelled, "Hello Vicki Hen."
Vicki Hen said, "Why hello Jeffery Hen. How are you?"
Jeffery Hen said, "I'm fine, but I believe those twins of yours sure are a handful."
She said, "They sure are, but I wouldn't take anything for either one of them."
Jeffery Hen said, "They sure are growing and getting prettier everyday."
Vicki Hen said, "They'll be grown before I know it."
Jeffery Hen said, "What did you name your twins."
She said, "Fonda and Vonda."
Jeffery Hen sat around the house all day wondering what to name the baby. She said to herself, "Maybe Roo Jr. if its a boy and Sherry Hen if its a girl."
She thought and thought, then she said, "Maybe Herman Sherman if a boy and Gertie Hurtie if a girl. Maybe Clucky Clyde if a boy or Lucille Seal if a girl. Maybe Michelle Snail if a girl and Jim Slim if a boy."
Each and everyday she would think about what to name the baby and every name she would think up Roo didn't seem to like any of them. As time went by she seemed to have run out of names.
Posted by Aunt Meaner