Sunday, February 6, 2005

Jeffery Hen Finds Out - She Laid An Egg

Jeffery Hen slept sound all night. She didn't even hear Roo crow. She also didn't notice Roo, Bear, or any of the neighboring hens coming in and checking on her from time to time.

When she finally did wake up it was almost noon. She woke up thinking she was sitting on her bowel movement and knew she had it all over her. She said to herself, "Roo put me like back into my nest."

She started noticing that she doesn't smell any odor coming from the nest. She also noticed that Bear was just outside the door keeping check on her. She finally got up on her feet and noticed she was a whole lot lighter then she was before. She also noticed the pain and heaviness was gone. She got up out of her nest and sat on the brim of the nest box. She stretched out her wings and neck, she also opened her mouth out and yawned real big. Then at last she finally looked into her nest.

She couldn't believe what she sees, there was no bowel movement in her nest, she noticed there was a nice, shiny, white egg in the box!

When she saw it she got all excited and started to cackle, "I laid an egg, I laid an egg." Bear and some of the hens nearby heard her and started toward the hen house. Bear jumped upon the hen house to announce the laying of her egg. Roo was in the yard talking to some of the other roosters and saw all of the hens running toward his hen house, he also sees Bear trying to crow on top of the hen house. He rushed over to investigate the matter.

When he finally got there Bear was trying to announce that Jeffery Hen has laid an egg. Roo tried to get into his hen house, but he had to get some of the hens out of his way. He said, "What's going on here?"

The hens started to sing, "Jeffery Hen has laid an egg."

Roo said, "So that's what Bear was trying to say." He wanted to see for himself if this is true. He got up on the perch and looked inside of the nest and lo and behold there was an egg. He hugged Jeffery Hen and and said, "I'm proud of you, Dear." Roo flew out of the hen house and up the tree where he crowed his loudest, "Jeffery Hen has laid an egg." He repeated this over and over for at least fifteen minutes.

When all of the hens had heard this announcement they all wanted to go and see the egg. They all gave Jeffery Hen some very important advice. Jeffery Hen didn't know that you have to keep the egg warm all of the time and she also didn't know that the egg had to be turned every so often. She didn't like the idea that it will be months before the egg will be ready to hatch. She was looking forward to a very busy winter and spring; the coldest seasons of the year.

The hens told Jeffery Hen she has to turn the egg every morning when she wakes up in the morning, noon, evening and before she goes to sleep at night. They also told her that she has to make sure that the egg will stay warm each and every time she leaves the nest to get something to eat or drink. The hens told her if she's not careful the egg might get a crack in it and if it does the chick will not grow and the whole egg will be of no use.

Jeffery Hen thanked the hens for their advice, but she sure didn't expect all of the work that was involved with caring for just one egg. She wonders how Vicki Hen is doing with her two eggs; she must be very exhausted by now.

Each and everyday the hens will come in and check on her to make sure she was getting along just fine with her egg. Roo always brings her something to eat and something to drink every morning when the roosters comes in from their hunt.

Posted by Aunt Meaner

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