As Roo, Vicki Hen and the three chicks went towards Vicki Hen's house, her husband came out of the henhouse and wondered what on earth was going on out here. He said, "That noise is about to drive me crazy!"
Vicki Hen said, "I guess I better take the twins and go inside now."
Fonda, the boy twin, didn't want to go home, he wanted to stay with Roo. Vicki Hen had a time getting him to let go of Roo. Roo took both Panda and Fonda into her henhouse and gave Fonda to his daddy.
Fonda's daddy said, "Now come on little my little rooster, surely you're your daddy's boy aren't you."
The little chick still wanted to go home with Roo. Roo had to let his daddy pull him off of him. Quick as he did, Roo left out the door.
Roo didn't realize that he ran off and left Panda in their henhouse. Roo tired to sneak back to the house and see if he could get Panda without the boy knowing he was there. When Roo saw Panda she was playing merrily with the girl twin. Roo hated to have to break them up. He went in and picked Panda up and to his surprise she fell asleep right in his wings.
Roo said to himself, "Maybe we will get some rest now." He quietly let out with her in his wings.
When Roo got to the henhouse he gently opened up the henhouse to see if Jeffery Hen was still in her nest. When he saw that she was, he took Panda and gently sat her down in the corner of the henhouse were he thought she would be safe; then he quietly left the henhouse.
When Jeffery Hen finally woke up, she saw Panda sleeping in the corner but couldn't make out what she was. She got off her nest and went to investigate. When she noticed it was Panda she wondered how did she get there? She thought to herself, "Maybe Vicki Hen got her to sleep and came into the henhouse and put her there."
Posted by Aunt Meaner