Friday, April 15, 2005

Jeffery Hen - Panda Gets Out of Control

Vicki Hen couldn't get the three chicks to quieten down any; everywhere she went the chicks would not give anybody any peace. Finally, she came across Roo in the yard. Panda when up to him and started chirping at him. Roo began to get a headache.

Roo said, "Listening to one is more then enough; but listening to three is more than I will ever handle."

Vicki Hen said, "I can't get them to play with anything in the picking ground, the only thing they want to do is chirp."

Roo said, "Bear and I spent the last two nights sleeping up in the tree becount of it."

Vicki Hen said, "Jeffery Hen told me she hasn't had any sleep in the last two days becount of it and I told her I would take Panda and let her sleep for awhile."

Roo said, "Thank you for your help."

Vicki Hen said, "You are welcome."

As Vicki Hen started to go her way, Panda wanted to stay with Roo. Roo said, "Panda isn't going to play with the twins."

Vicki Hen said, "Well, Roo, will you come along with us and maybe we will get them to hush." Roo saw he had no other choice. The little boy twin took up with Roo. They went to the watering hole and got a drink of water. They when over to a tree and sat there to cool off, it was an extremely hot day. They sat there and, while the three chicks were chirping their heads off, other chicks came over to them and started chirping along with them. Before they knew it all of the neighborhood chicks were chirping up a storm.

Posted by Aunt Meaner

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