Thursday, September 21, 2006

Shakira - A StalkerClan Woman?

I had heard of 'Shakira' on the radio, she is apparently a popular singer with today's younger crowd. Like 'Cher' and 'Madonna' she is known by just her first name. Until I saw this video however, I had no idea how much she resembled the StalkerClan women. Could her last name be Stalker by any chance? The song says "Hips Don't Lie" and those hips are saying she is StalkerClan material.


Anonymous said...

I never thought I would see the day that Traci, Danny and Matthew made a video. It is really good for their first attempt. I am glad they sent it to Clyde to be posted on the Looney Stalker. Where is Cameron?

Anonymous said...

I just noticed that it was filmed down at the lake I wonder if Jeffery is video taping it for them?

Anonymous said...

Oh, is that Traci doing the dancing? I knew that Danny had gotten Jennie's recipe for Million Dollar Pie and made a lot of them, but I didn't realize it had such a 'huge' effect on Traci's figure. I guess she's lucky they have a lot of clothing in size XXXL at the Palatka Army-Navy Store.