Thursday, November 26, 2009

Carlos’ Big Week


It’s that time of year again and another big week for Carlos has rolled around. 

His ‘To Do List’ is always full this time of year.

The Santa Train has come and gone.  Now it is his birthday and before the day is done there will be a big Thanksgiving dinner to eat.


(Don’t eat too much.)

Here is a photo of the Santa Train stopping in Elkhorn City this past Saturday.  I’m not sure where Carlos is in this picture, but I bet he’s in there somewhere.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Carlos
Love, Mom, Shawn, Jennifer, Papaw, and Mamaw

Aunt Luci said...

Happy Birthday Carlos

Sherry said...



The TV set needs taking out and cleaned all around the back, sides and bottom, the shelf it sits in needs cleaning.

The three book cases need to be pulled out, cleaned behind, in between, bottom and the floor under them. The stereo needs some cleaning in the bottom. The large rug needs to be taking up and dirt beaten out of it. The coffee table need to be pulled out of the way. The sleeper sofa needs pulled out of the way and needs cleaning on the bottom.

The windows needs to be cleaned.


The closet needs to be straighten out and cleaned. The dresser and chest needs to be pulled out and cleaned around them and the floor under them.

The bed needs taking apart, the rails needs cleaning and the headback needs cleaning in the backs. The mattress needs to be turned over. The box springs needs dusting on the bottom. The wall around the bed needs cleaning.

The rug needs taking up and cleaned. The windows needs cleaning.


The bed needs taking apart, the rails cleaned, mattress needs turning over, the box springs needs dusting on the bottom. The wall around the bed needs cleaning.

The closet need work.

The windows needs cleaning.


Dresser, chest and gun case need pulling out and cleaned in the back and floor under them.

The bed needs pulling out and taken apart, the rails and slabs needs cleaning, the mattress needs turning over, the boxspring needs dusting, the floor under it needs cleaning, the wall around the bed needs cleaning.

The closet needs work.

The windows needs cleaning.


The bed needs the rails and slabs cleaned and boxsprings cleaned. The floor under it needs cleaning.

The closet needs work.

The windows needs cleaning.


The appliances need to be pulled out and cleaned around the backs, the wall around them needs cleaning and the floor under them needs cleaning.

The sink cabinet needs cleaning.

The cabinets needs to be emptied out and the shelves needs cleaning and relined.


The sinks in the bases needs cleaning.

The upper bathroom's window needs cleaning.


It needs sweeping.


It needs sweeping and the cobwebs removed.

I have to admit we hired two cleaning women to come to do the cleaning twice, to do this kind of work. What did they do? All of the work I do when Mother and Dad goes to Senior Citizens.

What do I get for respect, everybody gets mad at me.

I think Mother is going to hire Donna R. to come and help us with the work. I don't know what to expect.

Luci said...

This kind of thinking is keeping you from doing anything at all. There is no way all this can be done because there is too much junk in the way. NO ONE COULD, WOULD OR SHOULD DO IT. The best expect anyone to do is dust what you can get to with a vacuum or duster, clean the bathrooms and kitchen, run the vacuum cleaner and then mop the floors. If you don't have things put away before they get there you won't know where to find them later.

I cleaned all the windows last spring when I power washed the porch. That is a once or twice a year thing.

I have NEVER expected the house to be spotless. I am not that crazy. All I asked was that the bathrooms be cleaned before I came so that I would not have to do breathe chemicals the first thing when I got there. Since my car was full of other stuff, I didn't have room to bring my steam cleaning equipment.

I don't like to talk about it but I have several physical limitations.

I have impaired immunity because of the years of chemo I have taken and the fact that many of my lymph nodes have been removed. I am supposed to be very careful about being exposed to germs. If I have a cut that gets infected I could easliy loose an arm or leg or worse. Since Dad has diabetes and walks around barefoot all the time, he should have the same concern. If he has a sore that gets infected he could easily loose a foot.

On top of allergies to dust and a lot of chemicals, I also have a condition called Sjogren's that prevents me from producing tears and saliva. Because my eyes are dry, it is excrusiation if I get dust in them or if I am around chemicals. Strong odors (cleaning chemicals, toilet bowl cakes, urine, etc) get in my throat and I can taste them for hours.

It is also very difficult for me to drive up there and back by myself. I can't really ask Chris or Pat to take several days off work and or school to bring me up when there is not a place for them to sleep when they get there.

There is more but I'm tired of complaining. I can not continue to risk my health and safety to come up there to either clean or stay without cleaning. Expecially when an able bodied person who lives there is happy to sit and "wilk" me while I am doing it. I have had more than enough wilking.

The Schell Gang said...

Happy Birthday Carlos!!!