Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Having a Good Day?

We all complain so often about having a bad day. Since most of us are at least approaching if not past middle age, can we still remember what a good day would look like? After discussions with several family members lately my definition has been refined.  If you haven't been to the emergency room, or the morgue, and haven't pooped your pants, you are having a good day. So any time you start to complain, stop and check your pants. If they are still clean, you are having a good day.


Editors Note:

I think Luci has come up with a valuable tool than many readers of the StalkerClan will find very useful.  In case anyone is having trouble following her description, I put together this ‘Decision Tree’ to help explain her logic. 

Some of you may want to print out a copy of this handy tool to carry in your purse or pocket book.  I know I’m going to.


Luci said...

Jeff is definitely not having a good day. She is at the hospital with Emily. Her "white cell count is almost 16." I'm not sure what that means but she will get back to us as soon as she finds out anything. I don't think she has had time to check her pants.

Michelle said...

Yes that is my definition of a bad day. I am printing mine off right now to put on my refrigerator LOL

Michelle said...

Jeremy has been begging me to make smoothies so last Saturday I made some. Well Jeremy in is brilliance thought they looked as thick as Dairy Queens blizzards where the lady hands them to you out the window upside down. So he tried it, he flipped the cup over and it stayed in the cup and he started laughing and said "Take that Dairy Queen" and turned the cup over again and all the smoothie when on his sweat shirt and down his pants. We rolled and laughed. He had to eat his smoothie from his pants with a spoon.

Anonymous said...

That does not count as a bad day. The mess has to be on the inside of the pants to make for a bad day.
Take if from someone who knows.

amber said...

What if someone else has poop in their pants and you are responsible for cleaning it up?

Sherry said...

I haven't got a spare coffee pot now. Mother's coffee pot wouldn't work this morning so I went over to the trailer and brought over the spare coffee pot that I told you about in the past.

I hope to have a replacement soon, its getting close to Christmas.

Debbie said...

I'm laughing so hard it hurts! I've been looking at assisted living facilities today for Mom so I really really needed a good laugh. Now, I just need to stop laughing so I can go to bed.

PS: I've decided it's not safe for me to read anymore of this newly found blog tonight. I may be braver in a few days...never can tell.