Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Eye Eye Captain

Blair is in preschool this year and really enjoys it.  His teacher, Angela, has a treasure box that the children can pick a toy from on Fridays, if they have been good all week. 

One Friday I  picked Blair up and he had picked an eye patch from the box.  He was so pleased with his treasure that he would not allow Emily to even look at it.  When he was finished playing with it, he had me hide it in a special place where Emily could not get it or it could not get lost.  He loved that old patch.

You'll walk the plank for this, Grandma!

The following Friday I picked him up and, to my amazement, he had been a good boy again and had picked out another toy.  I had to laugh when I saw what he had, another patch.  I thought to myself that now he would let Emily have the first one, but no, that was not the case.  He announced to us all that he could not wait to get home and put on both patches.  It was all I could do to contain my laughter at the thought of him wearing both patches. 

He was overjoyed all the way home.  We go into the house, go straight to the hiding spot of the first patch and I just stand there to watch the show.   He puts the first patch on and then the other.  He stands there for about ten seconds taking it all in.  All of a sudden he rips off one of the patches and screams,  "Hey Emily! You can have this patch!" 

I almost fell over laughing.

Story by Grandma Jeff


Aunt Luci said...

That is one good looking pirate!!!!

Michelle said...

That is a good lesson in sharing. He is a fine looking pirate. I hope to find out soon if Jim got his vacation so we can come down.