Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Precocious Pastry Chef

 Jennie is well known for her baking talents.  Her Chess Cake and Christmas goodies draw rave reviews.  Few people know just how early her interest in baking began...

Jennie making a flour mess

I'm guessing the Teddy Bear had to wash the dishes.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Great Minds?

They claim it's proof of the old adage about Great Minds Thinking Alike,,, Jennie and Lela Kay got each other the exact same Christmas Card this year.

Jennie signed hers, "to my Little Sis" and Lela signed hers, "to my Big Sis."  

Does anyone else find this a little scary?

Chestnuts FAIL

 The YouTube Virtual Fireplace playing on a LED TV just isn't the same...

Sunday, December 24, 2023


 Uncle Clyde tree is growing mistletoe.  Of course it's too high up for anyone to get to.

From Luci

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Christmas Memories from 2003

 Christmas memories from 20 years ago...

I had forgotten what a "Sensory Overload" our Christmas gatherings at Road Creek could be.

And how exhausting they could get!