Thursday, October 13, 2005

Jeffery Hen - Patricia Hen's Egg Hatches

As Panda got older and her feathers started to get bigger, she started to fly just about a feet away.

Outside of the henhouse, Mike Stone, got upon his henhouse to announce the hatching of Patricia Hen egg. Panda wanted to go and watch the egg hatch. Jeffery Hen took Panda with her to watch the egg hatch.

When they got over to the henhouse the house was crowded with other hens wanting to watch the egg hatch. Jeffery Hen decide to just take Panda back home and wait till late in the day and go, by that time the crowd will be gone and she would get to see the chick after it has hatched out of it shell. She also thought that Panda was too young to watch the egg hatch.

Late in the afternoon before the sun went down, Jeffery Hen took Panda and went over to Patricia Hen's henhouse to see the little chick. When they got there the chick was sound asleep in the nest. Patricia Hen was clearing out the eggshell and was making her nest just a little more comfortable for her chick.

Jeffery Hen asked Patricia Hen, "What are you going to name your baby?"

Patricia Hen said, "Mica! but we are going to nickname her Micey."

Panda wanted to see the chick, she thought she could fly up to see it, but she couldn't. Jeffery Hen said, "Panda, has been trying her best to fly every since she found out she was growing feathers."

Jeffery Hen picked Panda up and showed her the sleeping baby chick. "Chirp," said Panda.

Patricia Hen wanted to go outside and get some fresh air and hope there will be something to eat out there also. She asked Jeffery Hen would she stay there till she got back. Jeffery Hen agreed to do so.

Quick as Patricia Hen left, Panda started chirping, Jeffery Hen couldn't get her to keep quiet and stop flapping her wings, so she looked out of the henhouse and she saw Vicki Hen outside with her twins. She took Panda over to her and asked her will she keep and eye on her while she watches over Patricia Hen's baby chick.

Jeffery Hen said, "Panda will not keep still and she is very noisy, I keep thinking she will wake up the baby."

Vicki Hen said, "That's alright," she said, "she can play with the twins."

Well, Panda enjoyed playing with the twins; they had a very good time.

While Jeffery Hen was at Patricia Hen's henhouse, Bear came around and Jeffery Hen told him to tell Roo that she has to stay here and help Patricia Hen out with her baby. Bear went off to tell Roo what Jeffery Hen had said.

Posted by Aunt Meaner

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