Saturday, January 14, 2006

Florida Fotos

Here are a few of my favorite photos from past trips to Florida. This time next week I hope to have several more to post.

Lake Hewitt Florida 042

Lake Hewitt Florida 045

Lake Hewitt Florida 026

Lake Hewitt Florida 078

I'm starting to look forward to our trip, I know Dad is chomping at the bit and wanting to get there as soon as possible. Tell Randy to leave a few fish in the lake for us.


Anonymous said...

I called mom this morning and asked her if she was going to let daddy and Clyde take her car to Florida and I thought she would choak. Dad said she would see him ride a mule to Florida before she would let him take it. I can see daddy down at Clydes now at 2:00 am rapping at the windows and doors waking Jennie up trying to get Clyde on the move to Florida.

Anonymous said...

I just got the mental image of Dad and Clyde heading off to Florida on a mule and all I can say is poor mule. I think dad would ride a mule if he had to. He really loves to go.

Anonymous said...

If Dad gets there before five, Dad may have to dress Clyde, brush his teeth for him, and have Jennie help him throw Clyde upon the poor old mule.
And Clyde is not the only one excited about them coming down. The whole gang is going to try to be here Sun for Papaw's birthday. I hope everone like walmut cake with lettus icing.

Anonymous said...

I have been a lot of thing in my life, but being anonymous has never been easy for me. I must have hit something wrong.