Yesterday was the first day for Emily and Blair to spend the whole day at day care. We have to pack a lunch each day. Randy and I spent part of our Sunday evening getting their lunches ready. I have an igloo cooler and thought it would be perfect to pack both lunches in. WRONG!
We packed two bags of Blair's favorite Bar-B-Q chips, two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, two yogurts, two Ziploc bags of cucumbers (they both love cucumbers), two pieces of homemade cake, and two large bottles of water. We were so pleased with our well thought out lunches. They would really enjoy what we had packed.
When I went to picked them up, I was met by Blair. He had a very stern look on his face. I knew things were just not right in his world.
Grandmother: Hey guys. You ready to go?
Blair: Grandma, I need to tell you something important. Emily gave my BAR-B-Q Chips away, and I really wanted them Bad!
Tears are now streaming down his face and he is not going to be consoled. He is downright, outright, infuriated by the blatant injustice that has befallen him at the hands of his now ‘Traitor’ of a sister.
Grandmother: Blair we can discuses this in the car? Okay?
Blair: No Grandma. You don't understand. She gave my BAR-B-Q Chips away to that girl.
Grandmother: Okay Blair. I do understand, but we will talk about this in the car!
Tears are still flowing and his look that could kill is directed at his sister. We get in the car. Blair is now ready to let loose on his sister.
Blair: You gave my BAR-B-Q chips to that girl and I wanted them. You are mean!
Grandmother: Emily, did you do that?
Emily: Yes.
Grandmother: Why did you to that to him Emmy?
Emily: Well grandma, that girl gave me something and I had to give her something to replace it.
Blair: MY CHIPS !
Grandmother: Why didn't you give her your chips?
Emily: Because I wanted them. I was hungry!
Grandmother: Emily, you know that was wrong. Blair loves those chips and you should not have given them away.
Emily: Well Grandma, he had cucumbers. He should have ate them!
Blair: I wanted my chips and you gave them away.
Tears! Tears! and more Tears!
Grandmother: Emily don't you ever do that again. You give you own stuff away. Not your brothers.
Emily: Okay.
I can hear Blair sniffling in the back seat. I think things are going to get a little calmer now. NOT! All of a sudden the tears are back in full force as Blair has another flash back of the day.
Blair: Grandma, she ate all my yogurt too! She ate all my stuff. She is so mean. I hate her!
Grandmother: No, you do not hate her. Emily, did you do that?
Emily: Yes, Grandma. I was hungry and you know I love that yogurt.
Blair: I love it too, Emily. You are so stupid.
Grandmother: Blair, no name calling. Emily you should not have ate his stuff. How would you feel it that had been done to you?
Emily: I wouldn't care. He should have ate his cucumbers!
What a dilemma! We can no longer use one box for their lunches. One of them has papaw's two stomachs, and the other will starve if left to the mercy of the other. Needless to say after all was said and done, they were both laughing and playing in the back seat as though nothing had ever happened.
Grandmother Jeff