Thursday, June 9, 2011

(Mal)Practice Makes Perfect

Apparently Luci’s tests on Wednesday went well.  I hear her doctors have some new equipment from Milton Bradley Medical Supplies that allows them to practice Luci’s procedure before she even arrives at the hospital.

Isn’t it amazing what doctors can do these days!

Wait a minute, should she have an Adam’s Apple?  Is this the correct practice equipment?  I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about though. 


Luci said...

They actually had a lot (I do mean a lot) of real people to practice on before me that day. Of course they were probably "normal" people. The hardest part was the waiting. Baby sister really came through to help me. Mom said she finally knew why God put her through all that misery but it took 45 years to find out.

Michelle said...

I told Pat to slip me a hunderd bucks in my purse while we were out at that Asian buffet, for taking care of his mom for him.. we laughed when we got the bill he said.. go ahead and pay for the bill with that hunderd dollars I put in your purse LOL.. He is getting up on me.