Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Birthday Dilemma

It's always hard for me when one of the teenage guys on the StalkerClan has a birthday.  I want to post something impressive about them, but I know I have to be careful not to embarrass them.  Teenage boys are so sensitive, I don't dare display anything they wouldn't want their friends, or "Heavens Forbid" a potential GIRLFRIEND to see.

Here's my dilemma today...I have this nice video of Caleb singing that I got off his Twitter feed.  He's got those "young Tom Cruise" good looks, plus the musical skills that I know will impress many a current or future girlfriend.

Since he posted it on Twitter I don't think he would be embarrassed if I posted it on the StalkerClan, but I can't be sure.

On the other hand, I could post this photo from a few years ago...

There might be lots of his friends who would be much more impressed by this.  What should I do?

Can you see my predicament?

Posted by Clyde


Jeff said...

I need to get your autograph now before the line gets to long. Happy Birthday Caleb

Amber said...

This post is great, uncle Clyde! I can’t wait to show it to Caleb ��❤️