Thursday, October 11, 2018

Drawing the Line

After yesterday's post, there may be some people wondering if there is anything I wouldn't post on the StalkerClan.  I obviously enjoy embarrassing family members, especially teenagers - my favorite victims. 

I've been wondering, where would I draw the line when it comes to what to post?

For instance, if a certain fellow was having a birthday, would I post a picture of him as a youngster sharing a bathtub with a cousin?

Of course, I would. I've probably done it a dozen times already.

How about a photo of him showing off his manly physique?

Hey, I'd post that without a second thought.

A slightly messy photo from the dinner table?

Have you seen some of the photos I've posted of his grandmother?  Obviously, I'd post it.

Would I post a school photo that might have been scheduled at an unfortunate time?

My conscience would bother me just for a second or two but, yes, I would probably post it.

Would I 'Doctor Up' a candid pic of him with lipstick, glasses, sombrero and whatever?

NO, NO, NO! This is way over the line.  

What if his OTHER girlfriends were to see this?  

I wouldn't do that to anyone.  Not even someone who once caught me downwind of him.



Jeff said...

That was great. Happy Birthday Cammy!

Amber said...

Hahahaha! I love it! Happy birthday, Cam!