Sunday, September 22, 2019

My Summer Vacation by Jeff

Several years ago Emily wrote about her summer vacation in Kentucky so I thought I would do that too.

Clyde and Jennie took us to see some of the sights in Pikeville.  We got to walk across a swinging bridge.  I haven't done that in years.  Clyde made it swing real big but he couldn't shake me off. 


We saw several of the decorated bears around downtown Pikeville.  This one is called Astro Bear.


We went to the Heritage Museum where we were attacked by Indians.  There was "Chief Sitting-Around Bull".


The medicine man "Smiling Turtle Shell" and his squaw "Running Mouth" were there too.


We ate really good while we were in Kentucky.  We always do when Aunt Jennie is around.


That night we did some old Kentucky rituals that we like whenever Aunt Jennie is around. 


One day Clyde took us to a graveyard and told us The Story of Octavia Hatcher.  Clyde has strange ideas of what a "fun thing to do" is.


Jennie noticed some wings painted on the wall of a building downtown and said "Let's get your picture in front of the angel wings."  I'm not sure what kind of angel those wings belong on.


On my last day there we finally got to go see my Uncle Willie and his family.  Lots of my cousins were there too.  We had soup beans for dinner.  No trip to Kentucky is complete without some soup beans.  Clyde ate a lot more than me.

And that's what I did on my summer vacation.



Aunt Meaner said...

Clyde, I remember a book Mother purchased at town back before Michelle was born. I remember you got it and laughed. Lucille said, "What is it?" You said, "The Real McCoy's" This book is pictured on Ebay. If you don't mind would you put it on the Clan.

Aunt Meaner said...

I remember you said something about the boy having a black eye. If you don't mind put the back cover on also.