A lot of things have happened to me in the last few months and I feel so much better in so may ways. I will have to start this story by telling you all what has brought me to this very wonderful point in my life.
A few months ago things were happening that caused great worry and fear inside of me. I was worrying myself to death. My blood pressure was way too high. I could not sleep or eat. I was a real mess. A friend, Teia came by at work and ask me to come by and see her after work. I agreed and went by. We talked for a while about God and how good he is to us and the importance of prayer. (I of course thought I was already doing all I needed to do towards my spiritual walk with the Lord.) When I was ready to leave, we got down on our knees and she prayed the most beautiful prayer with me. Her prayer was so sweet and full of love that I could feel the love she had for God and me. I left not really feeling any different than I had felt when I had arrived.
The next morning I woke up with such joy that I could not explain how wonderful I felt. I was thrilled to have my joy back.
I had not felt joy in such a long time that I had forgotten how good it felt. I just knew that I did not want to let it go.
I started reading my Bible again and praying. (I had been so busy worrying that I did not have time to pray or read. Not only was I busy worrying, I was so tired and I could hardly maintain the things I needed to keep my life in order. I was a mess!)
One of the first stories I read was the story of the lost son, Luke 15:11 -32. It tells about a man with two son. One son is obedient and the other wants to live in the world. He asked his dad to give him his inheritance and he leaves and goes out and waste it all. A great famine comes to the land and he is forced to feed the swine. He is about as low as a man can be at this point in his life. He is hungry and no one would give him anything to eat. He feared going home. He thought that his father would still be angry with him. Then he thought to himself. “How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger. I will arise and go to my father and will say to him. Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I am not worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of you hired servants.” He arose and went to his father’s house. His father was so thrilled to see him that he threw a big party and invited everyone to come.
Now I dwelled on this story for several days. I thought to myself, “This story is about my daughter. I just need to be patient and she will come home." This seemed to give me peace.
After about three days, God spoke to me and this is what he said, “This story is not about your daughter.”
“It’s not?” I asked. “Then who is it about?”
“It is about you.” , came the answer I would never in a million years thought I would hear.
“How can this be about me?” I asked. “I love my parents.”
“You don’t trust me. You have been trying to fix you daughter for five years and you can’t. Your mind has been in the hog pen for five years. You don’t sing to me, read your bible or go to church the way you used to. You are too busy trying to fix her. Now you need to trust me and work your way back to me. I can take care of her. You can’t.” And just like that I was set free!
My life has not been the same since. I have given all my fears and worries to my Lord and he shows me everyday just how good he is. My faith has grown in such a way I sometimes just want to shout out to the whole world what he has done for me. Freedom from worry and fear is worth more than anything I have ever owned. I have more energy now and I love to get out and do things that used to just make me tired to think about. I love life and want to live it to the fullest.
Now to get to the funny part of this story. I know God has a really good sense of humor, because he gives me plenty to laugh about. And I now love to laugh and enjoy the humor in so many things.
Since I was set free, I love to sing. I have an old Baptist hymnal and I open it as often as I can and sing the songs I learned in church as a child. I am so thankful Mom took us to church. What a blessing to have these old songs to sing. ( I looked at the top of the page and saw the names of the people that wrote these old songs and composed the music. They lived in the 1800's. And their songs still ring true today.)
Anyway, I love to sing. I will sing a song all day long. Or I might hum it. I love to hear myself sing. But I can’t say that everyone loves to hear me sing. This in a conversation Randy and I had on the way to one of the grandson’s ball games.
Me: “Randy would you mind if I sing a song on the way to the game?”
Randy: “Why no honey. I don’t mind.”
I open my song book and start to sing Whosoever Will. I had sung this song many times when I was by myself and really enjoyed it. I thought Randy would enjoy it too. I get out the first line and he reaches over and takes the song book out of my hand and starts moving his fingers as though he is at the piano. Then he preceded to sing the song the right way. I get through the chorus and start on the second verse. Again he reaches over and takes the book, and repeats the same finger movements and tries to get me back on the right tune. This is repeated each time I start the next verse of the song. Four times! After the fourth time, he hands me the book and I start turning the pages.
Randy: “What are you doing?”
Me: “Trying to find a song you don’t know."
He is quiet for a few seconds.
Randy: "Well, I’ve got news for you. You won’t know it either."
Me: "Randy, when I am by myself, I love to sing a joyful song unto the Lord."
Randy: "You mean a joyful racket!"
We laughed all the way to the ball game. I now sing when he is not around and really enjoy it. I feel that I must apologize to the composers who I know are cringing when I sing. But no one will stop me from singing a joyful racket unto my Lord.