Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Twilight Caitlyn

I hear that someone is really struck on that fellow in the movie Twilight

I can’t help but think that he is a little bit too old for her, not to mention that ‘Vampire’ thing. 

I thought Jevon would have a few years before he had to worry about this happening.  I guess his headaches may start sooner than expected.  I really feel sorry for him.



Aunt Luci said...

I have to admit he is kind of cute. There is somethng about a guy with glowing eyes and lipstick.

Michelle said...

I watched the movie and I was not really a big fan of it, but then again I am not a teenager either.

Crystal said...

oh lord! Has Caitlyn seen this? She's gonna be difficult to live with after witness herself as the love of Edward's life! LOL

Jeff said...

Crystal and Jesse took the kids down the St John's River this past Sunday. They said Caitlyn spend the better part of the day torturing poor Cason. With taunts such as, "your are a poopoo head Cason. You fart all the time. You stink and on and on. Cason was just about to lose his mind. When, Mom to the rescue. Wonderful Aunt Crystal looked her in the eyes and said. "Caitlyn, Edward poops his pants." Oh my! This was the worst thing she could have possible said.
Caitlyn went bezerk. She hit Crysatl and told her to take it back. Edward did not poop in his pants. For the rest of the day, when Caitlyn would start messing with Cason, she would repeat the one thing that would make Caitlyn leave him alone. "Edward does to poop in his pants." I had to wonder what that would look like. They only drink blood.