Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Work Zone

When Luci comes up to work at Mom and Dad’s it’s serious business.  She doesn’t piddle around like Jeff and Randy or Michelle and Jim do when they come for a ‘Working’.  If you don’t believe me, take a look at this photo from her recent visit…

Things really get done when Luci goes to work.  Heck, it sometimes takes Mom two weeks to undo everything she does.



Luci said...

It takes Dad even longer. To hear him tell it, I take great delight in hiding his stuff. I had a really nice visit on Road Creek this past weekend. Sherry and I washed the windows and curtains. On Sunday we went for a drive in the breaks. Juanita told me about a place called the "Garden Hole." It was a road that went down to the river. Dad was very familiar with it and had fished there many times. The hillsides were covered with wildflowers. It was one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. We were the only ones there so it was very quiet. It was heaven. A pair of wild turkeys ran accross the road in front of us on the way down. After admiring God's handiwork we went out to eat at a little restaraunt on Elkhorn Creek. Their special just happened to be chicken and dumplings. That was heaven for Dad. We all ate until we were sick and then filled up 4 to go boxes to take home. Clyde and Jennie came up for supper. We had a nice visit. Now that I am retired and don't have to worry about getting home and getting ready to go back to work, I can really relax and enjoy my visits home.

Michelle said...

I am so glad that Luci and Sherry took care of the cleaning so that when I go up there it is just for a nice visit with no pressure for performance with cleaning supplies.