Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mr. Looney’s Class

I found this photo on Facebook yesterday.  Luckily I had graduated before Uncle Willie came to Elkhorn to teach, so I was never in his class.

I can’t figure out what that big bronze colored device on his desk might be.  I thought at first it might be a scotch tape dispenser but that wheel doesn’t look right and I’ve never seen one that huge.  It’s probably some instrument of torture for poor students.  Maybe that wheel is the proverbial grindstone we were supposed to keep our noses to.


Luci said...

Poor Uncle Willie didn't escape fast enough to avoid having me not one but two years for English. I wonder if that was what caused him to give up teaching. Somehow I managed to follow him wherever he went. I worked at Social Security for a while with him and then later worked at the Black Lung office in Mount Sterling while he worked at the one in Pikeville. Guess that should teach him to be a role model.

Luci said...

Mom fell last night. She didn't call me until this morning. I called the doctor's office and they said to bring her in. The wind was so bad you couldn't stand up outside and the news was telling that a semi had blown off the road on the interstate in Bath County. Dad ended up taking her down there (about a mile away). She is just bruised and skinned up a little. Everybody needs to call and give her a little sympathy. You know how much she loves it.

Michelle said...

I called mom and dad said she was doing better. I told her she better wear that button or I was going to give her a spanking. LOL