Friday, February 4, 2011

West Virginia Invasion Underway

It appears the annual Ratliff Family invasion of West Virginia has gotten on the road.

Looks like Jeff is doing her usual good job of keeping an eye on the kids and making sure everyone stays safe.

Have the Emergency Rooms in West Virginia been alerted yet?

Photos from Traci via Facebook


Michelle said...

Poor Jeff I wouldnt close my eyes on that group, she may wake up with a mustache drawn on her face. Hope they are having a good time.

Jeff said...

Update on the trip.
one broken pair of glasses-Cameron

One lost glove our first day here-Cameron

one ear and trip to the doctor-emily

One twisted knee on the kiddy magic carpet ride--Jeff

One slip and fall in the hot tub on a strange man's head--Mindy

one sex queen trying to get all the children to call her Auntie Traci, just to have her bubble busted when one of the left attendence thought she was Mindy's Mom
A mager discussion on wether or not we are the Falker or the Griswall. The dission was made that Randy is a Falker and the rest of us are Griswalls.

I wish i had a dime of each time someone ask for and item they needed, just to hear the same line repeated over and over again for two day. It's in the topper. You will see it Sunday! Not a minute before so just get over it.

Running out of toilet paper our first day at Silver Creek. All of us suffered that one.

Finding out that we have sandwich meat bread and cheese, but no mayo!!! Where is Aunt Jennie when we need her. She would have sent Clyde out to not only get mayo, but tomato, onion and mustard. No one should t ever go on a trip with out an Aunt Jennie.

The children finding out that Mindy got cranberry juice instead of orange juice. That went over real well.

But now to tell the other side. The children have had a blast.
playing in the snow, sking , riding the magic carpet up the hill. The have also been down to play on the games in the lobby. They are having a blast.
I'll write more later

Anonymous said...

unfortunately, like mom, we don't have to fall asleep to realize that we ladies have mustaches. I'm not sure whose side of the family we should thank for that, but

Traci said...

I can't believe my mother called me a sex queen. I'm not sure whether to smile or go and look in the mirror again to confirm my eye liner is still in place hahaha. love you guys and hope all is well in the hills of kentucky.