Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Babies Get Their Names

While all of the hens were gathered at Jeffery Hen and Henriette's homes, everybody was wondering what they were going to name all of the babies. Jeffery Hen said, "His name is Randall Junior, we are going to nickname him, Roo Junior."

One of the hens said, "Roo Junior sure isn't shy is he?"

Jeffery Hen said, "He chirps all of the time, his daddy had to sleep up in the tree last night becount of it. What is Henriette going to name her boys?"

All of the hens said, "We don't know." Jeffery Hen got up out of her nest and asked all of the hens would they care to go over to Henriette's and ask. They all got up and with the baby behind chirping and running close beside her. When they got to Henriette's house the crowd was bigger then ever before. Roo stopped crowing when the roosters came in with the hunt. Everyone came out to eat.

Henriette and all of the boys came out to join the crowd. Jeffery Hen went over to Henriette and ask her what did she name the boys. She said, "I wanted to name them after their daddy, so Henry and I decided to name them Henley, Hendrix and Henrik.

Posted by Sherry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Roo J and the Hen Rays. I feel a rock group coming on.