Thursday, November 8, 2007

Jeffery Hen - Her Egg Hatches

After watching Henriette's chicks for a while, Jeffery Hen thought it was time for her to go home to her egg. She said, "Roo, I'm going home, isn't it time to announce the hatching of the big egg?"

Roo said, "If Henry doesn't want to I will, but it's his chicks."

Monk Egg HatchingJeffery said, "Roo, you do know tomorrow is when our egg will hatch."

Roo said, "Yes Dear, I know that."

While Jeffery Hen was on her way back to the hen house, Roo asked Henry had he announced the hatching of the three boys. Henry said, "No."

Roo said, "Do you want me to announce it? It sure is a big thing happening in Chickenville. Never have I heard of three chicks coming from one egg before."

Henry said, "Sure."

Roo flew up into the top of the highest limb of the redwood tree. "The big egg has hatched and three boys are born!" When Roo got finished announcing the hatching of the big egg, it seemed like every chicken around flocked to the hen house.

What? I'm a boy?While all the chickens were gone, Jeffery Hen's egg was hatching. When the chick hatched out of the egg it was in great wonderment, "Where is everybody!" It ran around in the nest chirping as hard as it can chirp, but nobody heard it. Everyone was gone to watch the big egg hatch. The baby chick was in confusment. It wanted its mommy, it chirped and chirped and it never stopped.

When Jeffery Hen finally got closer to home she started hearing something chirping. She thought one of the chicks Henriette had was following her. She looked around and around but she did not see a chick. She finally noticed the sound was coming from her henhouse.

She yelled really loud, "That must he my baby!"

She flew as fast as she could and, sure enough, it was her baby. It had hatched a day early. She couldn't believe her eyes. It was bigger then either one of the three boys. Jeffery Hen calmed the baby down telling it she was sorry for not being there for it. She said, "Roo is going to be so proud of you, Randall Junior."

Posted by Sherry


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures!!
Clyde has captured the real Crystal in that picture. I remember her looking just like that as a baby.

Anonymous said...

She did resemble that. More monkey-ish though. I didnt know they were going to call her Randall Junior. Thats interesting. :) I fell another nick-name coming on.