Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Haircut Hell

Traci's Version:

I was at home and depressed when Amber called, "You have to come out to the lake for a few minutes at least. I have a job for you."

I saw money in my mind and asked her what kind of job it was. I couldn't have been more surprised nor could I have been more overjoyed when she answered, "Jevon needs a hair cut."

I think it had to be the best hour of my life. Between being inexperienced, and Amber picking on him, I laughed my freaking butt off.! 

MOM, where are the pictures?

Jeffery's Version:

As for the hair cut incident...it was a HOOT to watch.

Poor Jevon would get up every once in a while, look in the mirror and grimace, come back and sit down, and tell Traci where she had messed up.  She would just grin and mess up some more. 

Cheap haircuts are 'H-E-Double-L'.

Oh, I almost forgot.  While Traci was cutting his hair, Amber would go over with another attachment and act as though  Traci had slipped and cut too deep on his scalp.  It was hysterical to watch.  He had no idea that Amber was doing it.  He would get so upset each time.

What we do in the name of fun around here. Go figure!

Jevon's Version:

)(&* Amber. 

^% )(&  %$ Traci  (*&(*   &%(* (*$   %$%# get you for this. 

^*(^%  Jeff,  stick that #$^*$^*) camera ^$%## (*^&$ sun don't shine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was lucky enough to witness this! The story & pictures do not do it justice lol After about an hour or buzzing away the hair cut really did look good! lol

Traci, Derick's hair is getting pretty long.. wanna come to my house for a job?? ;o)