Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dinner Discussion

While visiting Jeff and Randy, we made reservations to eat out one night at Corky Bells in Palatka.  Crystal, Jessie and Cason met us there and we all assembled around a large table for eight in the dining area.

With Jeffery and Crystal both present the conversation was not what you would expect at a typical upscale restaurant outing.  Over their orders of blackened mahi mahi and stuffed flounder they proceeded to talk about:

    • Jessie's Butt - Jeff had remarked about how recognizable Jessie was from behind and Crystal seemed disturbed that her mother had paid so much attention to her husband's  backside. 

    • Jeff's Bust - When Jeff pulled some money out of the top of her dress Crystal had to tell of all the other things she had seen stored there previously.  According to her there was ample room in Jeff's bra for money, several children's toys, cleaning supplies, and at least one small kitchen appliance. 

    • Jevon's Balls - The story of Jevon talking about his 'boys' in front of Grandma Ratliff, right after she got her hearing aids, was retold.  They even included Jevon's famous remark ... "If it was raining (insert slang for female genitalia) I could reach out and grab a (insert slang for male sex organ).

I could hardly believe what all they talked about, right there in the middle of that fancy restaurant.  I hid my head most of the time.  The odd thing to me was that nobody said anything to discourage them or guide them back to more appropriate topics.  Nary an eyebrow was raised.

As we were finishing our meal, Randy took Cason to wash up and they came back with some candy from the gumball machines.  Crystal went ballistic!  She scolded Randy for getting Cason candy and was admonishing Cason, "Those are like Chicklets, they have gum in the middle, don't swallow the gum!"

In the middle of all this I managed to speak what I think were the only three words I was able to squeeze in during the whole meal.   I looked at Cason and calmly said, "You'll fart bubbles." 

All hell broke loose!  You would think I had cursed an oath in church.  Jennie gave me THE STARE and whispered,  "What's wrong with you, don't you know we are in a public place?"   Jeffery chimed in, "Such language, such language!"  Crystal had to add her part, "What do you mean, talking like that in front of my little guy?"  

Where had they all been for the last hour and a half?


Anonymous said...

I loved that story. Clyde you foul mouthed thing. I was just looking at the picture. Jese reminds me a lot of Carlos in that picture. Looks like a good time was had by all.

Anonymous said...

We had a great time. And Clyde didn't even beging to tell about all the conversations that went on that night. Crystal was a blast as usual. We sure did enjoy Clyde Jenny and Brian. We hated to see them go. ESPECIAlY AUNT JENNIE!
We haven't had a good meal since. Come back Aunt Jennie. We miss you. You to Clyde and Bryan.
Sorry I haven't been on lately. I will try to do better. I got on here and laughted my butt off. Sorry for the bad laungage. I been hangin with that foul mouthed webmaster. It must have rubbed off.

Anonymous said...

what a great time we had !! We are definitely planning a trip up to see Aunt Jennie.