Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Caitlyn Gets a Phone Call

The other day I was home alone with the kids and I had a really bad headache.  I told Austin that I was going to lay down in my bed for a minute just to relax.  I put him in charge of the other two and told him that if the home phone rang to answer it and tell whoever it was that his mom was not available. 

About five minutes after I laid my head on my pillow and started to relax...I heard a load roar of noise.  I swear the walls even shook as the boys turned on their new Metal Gear PS3 game.  Furious I screamed, "AUSTIN!" to no avail. 

Not wanting to get out of bed I resorted to Plan B.  I picked up my cell phone and called my home phone which was supposed to be manned by Mr. Austin.  The phone rang about 3 times and then I heard, "Hello!" and the conversation goes as follows...

Amber: "Austin?"
Caitlyn: "No, this is Caitlyn."
Amber: "Caitlyn, where is Austin?"
Caitlyn: "He's right here.  Who is this?"
Amber: "Who do you think it is?"
Caitlyn: "Amber? Is that you?"
Amber: "Yes!  Now please put your brother on the phone!"
Caitlyn: "No, he's busy.  I'll get my mom for you."

At this point I hear the all too familiar pitter-patter of little feet coming down the hall towards my room.  The door flies open and as it does Caitlyn is assuring "Amber" that she is almost to her mom.  Then she stretches out the phone toward me and a very confused look comes across her face.  Her eyebrows furrow and her eyes dart from side to side.   She is quiet for a minute and then quietly says, "It's you, Mom." 


I tell her to put the phone back up to her ear and when she does I say into my phone, "TAKE THE PHONE TO AUSTIN, PLEASE!"

Posted by Amber


Anonymous said...

That is SOOOO cute. She is a doll. I hope you all get to come up for the wedding. I can't wait to see Caitlyn in person. When Pat was little I caught him playing with the phone and answering machine one day. When I took it away from him he had a screaming fit. Little did I know that he had pushed the record message button. I thought it was odd that I didn't get a message for weeks - no even from Grandma. Then one day I tried to call home. When the machine picked up it was a recording of an ear piercing scream from Pat. I'm not sure what people thought when they called but I have refused to have an answering machine ever since.

Anonymous said...

Oh My!!! That Pat was a screamin machine? Who knew? You shoud have saved that for his grandchildren to listen to. Especialy when he is trying to get them to shut up.

Anonymous said...

OMG I have laughed at that answering machine comment. I think Luci should write a child rearing book.