Thursday, August 21, 2008

Insuring a Happy Birthday

Well, today is Crystal's Birthday and I can't afford to send her a nice gift, so what can I do? 

I know she's a big shot in the insurance world but I don't know much about insurance.  She did teach me the value of good health insurance coverage when I rode the Ski Biscuit with her years ago. I still owe  I'm still indebted to her for that lesson.

I have seen a lot of insurance advertisements in my time though, so maybe I can come up with some ad ideas to help her company sell more insurance coverage.

I know advertisers like to get an emotional hook in their ads so how about...

If disaster strikes and you're not will you feel?

Call Crystal today to make sure you're covered.


Hey, FEAR is always a good motivator.  How about...

Does your insurance policy cover flood damage?

Call Crystal today to make sure your coverage isn't all wet.


And, of course, I'm not above stealing an idea from someone else...


Call Crystal today for a healthy insurance check-up.


These ad ideas are yours, free of charge, Crystal.  I don't want any commission or royalties or anything like that for them.  Just consider them a birthday gift from your favorite uncle...Uncle Clyde. 



Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great birthday.

Anonymous said...


Jeffery told me that you were wanted to have another baby. I told her on the Phone, "ALIKAZAME!!! Jeffery, Crystal is pregnant." Jeffery said, "You get closed to the phone so I can slap you."

I would like to know if that worked or not. If it didn't I will have to try about next month.


lOVE Sherry, Carlos, Shawn, Mamaw, and Papaw

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope you had a wonderful day!! What type of insurance are you handing? You may need to advertise on the Stalker Clan.