Thursday, April 16, 2009

Good Clean Fun

Amber sent me these pictures from Florida and I am not sure what to make of them.

Hog Waller, Interlachen, FL

They are from a place called 'Hog Waller'  which is a big mud hole out in Interlachen.

 Come on Austin, your mom will never know.

I guess this is how they have fun down there  in Florida.

If you don't tell her we went in, I won't either.

It kinda' reminds me of bath day when we were growing up at Yellow Hill.

What did I tell you boys about getting dirty?

On second thought, it looks more like when Jeffery would slop the hogs, except our hog lot wasn't quite that big.


Sherry said...

I want you all to know I saw my first hummingbird today, April 17. Michelle, I am putting my hummingbird Webkin on the Webkinz. I am naming it Ruby.

Jeff said...

All that hog wallering brings back to many painfull memories. IF we had only known people would have paid to waller in mud we would have made a fortune. There it was right in front of us all the time and we didn't see the gold in the mud. Or slop. Which ever. Wilked again.

Michelle said...

I think Amber looks good even with mud on her. It looks like they had a good time.