Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wildflower Weekday

Somebody mentioned that Wildflower Weekend was coming up soon.  I was sitting around today and got to wondering what effect spring was having around the Stalker homestead.  I grabbed my camera and went out to the back yard.

CLICK to view full size.

The blossoms on the pink dogwood trees at the back of the house have been opening over the past few days...
CLICK to view full size.

The blooms have about all blown off the pear trees that Ted gave us a few years ago.  He WILK'ed us good with those.  The little white petals blow everywhere.  Windy days it looks like it's snowing.  Even worse, the trees are three or four years old now and there still hasn't been the first pear on them. 
Jennie has several flowers growing in a box out back.  I have no idea what they are but they come in a lot of different colors...

CLICK to view full size. CLICK to view full size.
CLICK to view full size. CLICK to view full size.
CLICK to view full size.

The cold weather the past few nights has been hard on the little pink blossoms on the bushes growing along our fence...
CLICK to view full size.

But the most plentiful flowers I found were the little round yellow ones growing all over the yard.  They are everywhere! 

I think they are kinda pretty.  It seems a shame to mow them down but Jennie insists, so I guess I better get the old lawn mower going. 


Michelle said...

That is getting me in the spirit for spring. Anyone want to go camping? We have a tent!!

Luci said...

Love the flower photos. Looks like your yard is way ahead of mine. I have a few daffodils and croci blooming but that is about it. After thinking about Michelle's invitation to tent camp with them, I have decided that I might be able to take it but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be able to. When I start snoring everyone in the campground is likely to start throwing rocks our way. For everyone's safety I probably better settle for a daytime visit. Let me know when you plan on going.

Jeff said...

If only I could be there to scrach on the tent and growl. I will never forget that experence. How about you Michelle?
And the flowers are breathtaking. My roses are blooming and I have a few bottle bush plants blooming. The orange blosoms are almost gone, but they don't seem to compair to Aunt Jennie's yard. Thanks for the beautiful pictures brother.