Monday, June 1, 2009


Did it get better than last years?

  1. First day, the students came to school with a surprise of a pair of scissors, glue sticks and a 24 box of crayons in their cubby holes. They got to share up to four packs of 500 sheets of drawing paper. (better)

  2. Halloween, the students had a surprised collapsible pumpkin baskets to take home and use for trick or treating. (same)

  3. Thanksgiven, the students got a pre-Thanksgiving gift of a blanket after they returned to school after their Thanksgiving vacation. (better)

  4. Christmas, the student got a Christmas stocking and hat with their names printed on each one of them. They also got a hand Christmas puppet in their stocking with its head sticking out of it. (better)

  5. Valentines Day, the students received cards and pink watches. The girls were the only ones that had the nerve to wear their watches to school. I guess the boys gave theirs to their sister or mother one.(better)

  6. Easter, the student received collapsible Easter baskets with grass and plastic eggs in them.(better)

  7. Pizza, I gave Michelle enough box tops to win the pizza for the classroom!!! Hurray!!! (better)

  8. Last day, the students are going to get to take home the box of crayons, glue sticks and scissors they used during this past school year. Michelle said she was going to give each one of them a Wal-Mart bag to put the stuff into and she was going to give them some Play Doh, and books they she had accumulated during the year. (better)

Stay tuned for the 2009-2010 report coming up soon.



Clyde said...

Who should get the Pay Check?

I wonder who should be getting the paycheck from the Laurel County Board of Education? Michelle rides herd on the kids and teaches them a little about readin, ritin and rithmatic. But Sherry is teaching them to genuinely care about others, to show compassion and generosity, to give without expecting anything in return.

Which lessons will be more important as they go through life? Maybe that paycheck should be going to 1510 Road Creek Road.

Anonymous said...

You have know idea. The children came back to live with me on Sat night. They came with the clothes on their backs. I was washing their clothes each night so they would have something to wear the next day. They had clothes but I had to wait for DCF to pick them up. I found some white t-shirts Aunt Sherry had given me sometime back. They wore these to bed. I had tooth brushes for each one, and tooth paste for children. You know the kind that taste like gum. I had movies for them to watch and shampoo and bath soap. All due to the big heart of my sister and their Aunt Sherry. I also have to say that Aunt Luci and Aunt Michell had gone yard selling and bought clothes of Emily, Caitlyn and Blair. They came in on Mon. Just in time. Emily wore two of the outfits all day. (Both at the same time.) Family sure is a good thing to have in times like these. Thanks for the prayers everyone. And a big thanks to Aunt Sherry for caring about all of us. You are truly as Saint in my eyes. I think I am going to start call you Saint Sherry instead of Aunt Meaner. That sounds more like the way it really is.

Amber said...

Aunt Meaner sure has a heart of gold. You know how they say everyone has a good side and a bad side, it sure is a good thing that she is able to get all of her wilking out on her sibblings so that the rest of the world can receive the good side. She truly is amazing. I tell everyone that i don't even know what the toothpaste ilse looks like at the store. What a wonderful Aunt, daughter, mother, sister, and friend she is to us all. Thank you, Meaner for all you do. You are rarely shown the appreciation you deserve from us down here. You are awesome awesome and I love you!!!!

Michelle said...

Meaner makes me look good I had a coworker say "How do you do all of that?" I dont let them know I have a little meaner in my pocket. We also enjoyed the pizza party.

Luci said...

It's Meaner Magic at work again. I know the kids really enjoy all the things you provide for them. Good job Meaner. We love you.

Michelle said...

I am going to organize my holiday goodies that meaner has given me, I am sure that the children will recieve a lot of neat things for the holidays. Also, Luci gave me a bunch of things for Halloween that I am going to make as well.