Thursday, February 17, 2011


( It has been quite a while since we last visited the henhouse.  If you need to refresh your memory of what was going on, click on HenTale in the LABELS list. )

While Roo and Bear was gone, Patricia Hen and Sandra Hay were both in need of egg shell to lay their eggs.  The elder hen has visited Jeannie Hen and Cluck weekly checking on their egg. While in the picking ground Patricia Hen and Sandra Hay's husbands were asking around, wondering where they can find some egg shell. "Our hens can't lay their eggs!" said the roosters.

Jeffery Hen only knew one thing to do. She went over to Jeannie Hen's house and while she was on her way there the elder hen came out of the house. Jeffery Hen said, "Elder Hen, there are two hens in need of egg shell to lay their eggs."

The elder hen went back into the henhouse and told Cluck about what was happening.

Jennie Hen said, "Our egg should hatch anytime now." Jennie Hen got off of her nest and looked at the egg. She said, "Look! I think I see a crack!"

Cluck and the elder hen flew up to the nest and noticed the crack. Cluck flew back down and went outside to tell Jeffery Hen to wait there, that the egg was hatching. "Please don't tell anybody, we are not ready to announce it yet."

Jeffery Hen didn't know what to expect. Inside the henhouse the crack was getting bigger and out popped the most beautiful yellow chick they have ever seen.

Cluck gathered up all of the egg shell and took it outside to Jeffery Hen.  He said, "Jeffery Hen, take half of this egg shell and give it to one hen and the other half to the other hen. Please don't let anybody know that the shell is brown. That was our secret, we didn't want anybody to know our egg was brown."

Jeffery Hen took the egg shell.  On her way to Patricia Hen's house she was wondering what the brown egg shell tasted like.  She took a bite from it.  When she got to Patricia Hen's House she gave her half of what was left of the egg shell.  She tried to give it to her in a way so she didn't see the brown side. Patricia Hen had the egg shell eaten in less then a second.

Jeffery Hen next went on her way to Sandra Hay house.  Patricia Hen left for the watering hole to get a drink of water.  On her way to Sandra Hay's house Jeffery Hen took another bite of the brown egg shell.  When she finally got to Sandra Hay's house, she laid out the egg shell with the brown side down. Sandra Hay was in such a hurry to get it eaten that she just swallowed it whole. Quick as she got it down she was off to the watering hole for some water too.

Jeffery Hen started back to the picking ground.  When she got there Cluck flew to the top of his henhouse and announced the hatching of Jennie Hen's egg.


Anonymous said...

Brown egg shells are the best ever.
Just ask Amber hen. All her little chicks came out brown. Italian Brown. Momma Mia them sure is some good eggs.

sherry said...

Clyde you didn't proof read the story. The word "nest should be "next."

Clyde said...

Fixed it! Hey, poor old Cluck was tired from all that flying around and crowing. He should be allowed one typo.

Luci said...

Glad you're still Clucking!!!!