Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ski-Trip Update

Cameron got his glasses broke on our first day here.  Thank God for Dad!  He has a solution for everything.

Traci via Facebook


Jeff said...

You really made us laugh. Even though we have seen this already, we just roared our guts out. Clyde go on to Cameron's face book for the results.

Jeff said...

Update on trip.
Granddad had to learn the hard way that it is very important who you hang with. He was stopped and scolled twice by the ski patrol. You would think that once would be enough, but no, he had to keep hanging with trouble and get scolled twice.
Him and Cameron flew down one of the slops and traumatise the skiers standing at the bottom. The ski patroll was waiting at the top to have a stern talk with them. Later, same day, they were going up on the lift and Granddad always takes his straps off his wrist and lays his poles in his lap. Cameron talked him into leaving his straps on. That makes much more sense Grandad. The ski patrol was waiting to set him straght when he got off the lift. There was a big sign at the bottom of the hill stating all the rules and that was one of the first ones. Take straps off wirst before getting on lift for you own safty.
I have tried to tell him to be careful who he hangs with, but I do believe he is still hanging with the wrong crowd.

Luci said...

What did I do wrong. You all are up there having all that fun in the snow while I am sitting here snowbound again and this time listening to Rock me to Sleep Mother.