Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wedding Day

Here’s another old photo from a box in Dad’s room.  This one, I think, is a photo of our Uncle Homer on his Wedding Day.  

The envelope they are holding appears to read ‘Our Marriage Seal’

I’m a bit embarrassed to admit, I have no idea which wife this might have been.  I seem to recall he was married more than once.  I can remember Homer and his family living on Road Creek briefly when I was young but he lived in Chicago much of his life. 

( Luci – Do you think you could get the story behind this photo from Mom and Dad ? )


Sherry said...

That's Juanita!

Luci said...

If you can please try to call Mom and Dad as often as you can and try to think of activities that Dad could do at the Manor. He is currently very dissatisfied and wanting to go home. He and Carlos both say they are going back to Road Creek on the first day of spring. So far Mom and Sherry both say they won't go back. I have planned a lot of gardening activities for him and Carlos but Dad is saying he doesn't want to start anything there. If you can think of anything we can do to make Dad more satisfied, please let me know. Shawn and Jennifer have come so far with Carlos and may be close to getting him in as a resident at Quest Farm. I would hate to see all their efforts wasted. When I went to pick up Carlos yesterday he presented me with a beautiful wooden ink pen he had made at Quest. I was amazed. You can look up Quest Farm on Google (You may need to add Georgetown Kentucky to your search.) to see what a great place it would be for him.

Luci said...

Homer's story is yet another reminder of how blessed we are as a family. The picture is of him with his second wife Juanita. She and a man were murdered in bed the mid 1970's (while I was living on Slone's Branch). When it happened I got a phone call from the police in the middle of the night, wanting me to come to the funeral home to identify the man's body because they thought it was Homer. A friend of mine worked for the ambulance service and knew my maiden name was "Stalker." I told them I hadn't seen him in years and would not be able to identify him with any confidence. Dad and Teet were in Carlisle (we think) fishing. Once they determined the murdered man was not Homer, as the husband, he became the prime suspect. It turned out that she was murdered by one boyfriend while in bed with another. The guilty party confessed.

This tragedy is actually second in my mind to the first wife he deserted with 11 children, one of whom was blind, another later was killed when he fell or was pushed onto the electric train rails in Chicago.

In his later years Homer married a much younger woman. He died in his 60s.

Sherry says (and she is usually right about these things) that Dad is the only one of his siblings who has lived past their 60s.

Clyde said...

I found a couple of newspaper articles online about the incident Luci mentions.  You can read more HERE and HERE.

Luci said...

This is a little different from what Dad and I remembered. I remembered that a man was killed with her but we both thought she was still married to Homer at the time. They had apparently gotten a divorce. I looked but couldn't find anything on line. I'm glad you were able to find the actual articles. Even though theses old events are not pleasant to think about they are part of our history.

Jeff said...

WOW! This is really news. I had very vague memories of this story. Good to know the rest of the story.
History is knowledge for those of us still trying to make our own history.

Clyde said...


According to the Kentucky Vital Records Website, they were married in 1969 and divorced 9-22-75,  a little more than six months before her death.

Luci said...

Are you going to be fact checking all our StalkerClan Stories from now on? If so, maybe I better not post any. Seems like a lot of my knowledge is faulty. Don't know if it is my memory or the old saying garbage in - garbage out.

Clyde said...

Yes, I've come to the conclusion that I have to do the fact checking 'cause I can't trust you girls to pass on our StalkerClan family history accurately. You all will have future generations thinking I'm some sort of bully who just liked to torment you girls and make you cry. If our great grandkids are going to find out what a 'Saint' I have been, and what I have had to endure, then I guess it is up to me to tell the story.