Friday, January 4, 2019

Ratliff Manufacturing Company

I started to post this photo as one of my Friday's Fun Fotos ...

But then a recent photo made me think about how much the Ratliff Clan has increased in number in the years since. 

And that reminded me of one of the old stories Dad used to tell.  

He said he was traveling by train once, back when he was much younger, and the train stopped in Cincinnati.  He stepped off the train onto the platform to stretch his legs, and across the railyard, he saw a huge brick building.  On the side of the building was a big sign that read "RATLIFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY".  He said he looked at that sign for a minute and thought to himself, "That's where they make all those Sons of *******s."

Now I have no idea if he ever rode a train through Cincinnati or if this was just something he made up to get a laugh.  I suspect the latter.  Whichever, it looks like that manufacturing company has been busy, but I don't think there is a single Son of a ****** in the bunch.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

That Ratliff manufacturing company moved to Florida in 1977.