Friday, August 29, 2008

Wedding Pics

I thought some of you might enjoy these photos from the wedding that Jennie and I attended last weekend...



The setting was Cedarvine Manor, an old southern plantation just north of Murfreesboro.   The movie 'Gone With the Wind" could have been filmed there.

The parents of the bride are Jennie's brother Steve and his wife Debbie. 

The flower girl is Jennie's grandniece Sydney, Clint's daughter.

The bride is of course, Jennie's niece Stacy.  The groom was some poor fellow named Rodney.  I tried to warn him, he wouldn't listen.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Caitlyn Gets a Phone Call

The other day I was home alone with the kids and I had a really bad headache.  I told Austin that I was going to lay down in my bed for a minute just to relax.  I put him in charge of the other two and told him that if the home phone rang to answer it and tell whoever it was that his mom was not available. 

About five minutes after I laid my head on my pillow and started to relax...I heard a load roar of noise.  I swear the walls even shook as the boys turned on their new Metal Gear PS3 game.  Furious I screamed, "AUSTIN!" to no avail. 

Not wanting to get out of bed I resorted to Plan B.  I picked up my cell phone and called my home phone which was supposed to be manned by Mr. Austin.  The phone rang about 3 times and then I heard, "Hello!" and the conversation goes as follows...

Amber: "Austin?"
Caitlyn: "No, this is Caitlyn."
Amber: "Caitlyn, where is Austin?"
Caitlyn: "He's right here.  Who is this?"
Amber: "Who do you think it is?"
Caitlyn: "Amber? Is that you?"
Amber: "Yes!  Now please put your brother on the phone!"
Caitlyn: "No, he's busy.  I'll get my mom for you."

At this point I hear the all too familiar pitter-patter of little feet coming down the hall towards my room.  The door flies open and as it does Caitlyn is assuring "Amber" that she is almost to her mom.  Then she stretches out the phone toward me and a very confused look comes across her face.  Her eyebrows furrow and her eyes dart from side to side.   She is quiet for a minute and then quietly says, "It's you, Mom." 


I tell her to put the phone back up to her ear and when she does I say into my phone, "TAKE THE PHONE TO AUSTIN, PLEASE!"

Posted by Amber

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cason's Birthday 2008

The calendar says that today is Cason's Birthday.  Somehow, looking back over the photos that Crystal sent me this year, it seems everyday is like a birthday for Cason.




Thursday, August 21, 2008

Rain from Tropical Storm Fay

Crystal sent me this photo a little while ago.  It is the view out her back door showing the water approaching her condo.  Let's all pray it doesn't get high enough to cause them any damage.


CLICK on the photo to view full size.

Insuring a Happy Birthday

Well, today is Crystal's Birthday and I can't afford to send her a nice gift, so what can I do? 

I know she's a big shot in the insurance world but I don't know much about insurance.  She did teach me the value of good health insurance coverage when I rode the Ski Biscuit with her years ago. I still owe  I'm still indebted to her for that lesson.

I have seen a lot of insurance advertisements in my time though, so maybe I can come up with some ad ideas to help her company sell more insurance coverage.

I know advertisers like to get an emotional hook in their ads so how about...

If disaster strikes and you're not will you feel?

Call Crystal today to make sure you're covered.


Hey, FEAR is always a good motivator.  How about...

Does your insurance policy cover flood damage?

Call Crystal today to make sure your coverage isn't all wet.


And, of course, I'm not above stealing an idea from someone else...


Call Crystal today for a healthy insurance check-up.


These ad ideas are yours, free of charge, Crystal.  I don't want any commission or royalties or anything like that for them.  Just consider them a birthday gift from your favorite uncle...Uncle Clyde. 


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Emerson's Dad Has a Birthday

Today is the birthday of old 'what's his name', you know...Emerson's Dad.  It's kinda sad to see how fast he is aging.  He has gotten so old now that Emerson has to help him blow out the candles on his cake.



Emerson's favorite thing at his Dad's party was a 'Whoopee Cushion' inserted in one of the birthday cards.  That Emerson sure fits in with the rest of the StalkerClan.  Come to think of it, that may be why Erik is aging so fast.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

New Addition to the Family

The Schell's would like to announce the new arrival of our little deer!   Ted and Chris brought him in on Sunday and he was received warmly by the family.  



The boys have bonded with Chris and Ted. Like Jeremy said,  "Uncle Ted and I can communicate!"

Posted by Michelle

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Marriage Counseling

Ted and I were sitting in the waiting room for his pre-op doctor’s appointment. We were talking and bantering back and forth and laughing like we usually do.  Another couple was sitting across from us.   The guy got up and walked away to take a cell phone call.  While he was gone the lady asked how long we had been married and we told her 26 years.  She told us her life story. She had been married three times. Each time it started out great but after ten years they ended up hating each other and getting divorced.  She was now in year eight of her third marriage.  She said “You both seem so happy. What’s your secret to a good marriage?” 

We both almost fell out of our chairs!  For the first time ever we were both speechless. 

I suggested that she might want to encourage her husband to become a long distance trucker. 

Ted suggested that she start getting divorced after about three years while they could still stay friends. 

Finally I said, “I guess our secret is that we live in separate houses ten miles apart. We only see each other once a week.” 

If anybody needs counseling we are available and cheap.


Posted by Luci

Monday, August 4, 2008

Hard Working Daddy

On my trip to Road Creek, Daddy was working like a little beaver.  He said he has felt better since having his neck surgery.  He went down to the bottom and mowed off his lot.   He wanted me to take some pictures of his garden and the beans he has coming on, 'so it will grieve you all', he said.  He had a good meal of beans, corn and blackberry cobbler.



Posted by Michelle

Friday, August 1, 2008

Stalker Days Leftovers

Jut had a real fight on his hands to keep his Million Dollar Pie. 

That's my pie.

I think he did end up giving them a very small piece each.

Posted by Michelle