Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Recap

Another Christmas has come and gone.  I hope everyone got what they were wishing for.  I know Emerson got at least one thing he was wanting.  His favorite gift under the Stalker Christmas tree was a Nintendo DS from his Grandma and Grandpa...

Grandma's favorite gift was the big hug she got from Emerson...

My favorite gift is having Dad healthy enough to go to Florida again this year.  We should be on our way early tomorrow morning.  

Why not leave a comment and let everyone know what your favorite gift was this year.



Anonymous said...

Yes!! Jevon did not disappoint this year!!! I got the coolest camera ever!!! Look forward to LOTS of pics, Uncle Clyde. But i must admit, the best gift this year for me was to be able to spend another great Christmas with the ones i love. Corny, i know. It's true, though. I enjoyed everyone sooo much and i missed those who couldn't be there. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Stalker invasion.

Anonymous said...

I almost forgot.....Emmerson is soooo adorable!!!!

Anonymous said...

The guys really came through for me this year. They got me an Aerogarden. I have been wanting one forever. I'll take pictures when the salad is ready to eat. This was a really wonderful Christmas. Not having to work made it a lot less hectic than usual. It was wonderful to get together for the wild and wooly celebration on Road Creek and then to have our quiet little Christmas Breakfast here at home. I hope everyone felt the most important gift of all - love.

Anonymous said...

The best present of all was seeing my family laughing and having a great time in each others company. There are so many families that don't have that special little bond that we have and enjoy. That is the greatest of all!!