When she was cleaning at Grandma Stalker’s recently, Luci ran across this old newspaper clipping from Florida.
After reading a little of it (“one of the true stars” … ”one of the area’s best.”), I think Crystal probably wrote the article herself.
Luci didn’t find any clippings from my football ‘Glory Days’. I suspect the Sears catalog ran out and my clippings probably got used in the outhouse at Yellow Hill … ripped up, wiped on and tossed down the dark hole to the pile below. ’Glory Days’ can be very fleeting things in the StalkerClan world.
Thanks for the heads up, Aunt Michelle! (ha)
Yeah, it's so hilarious...nowadays if a reporter said "I'm coming out to your house to take a picture of you for the paper"... I'd probably look like Tammy Faye Baker by the time he got here. Back then, I threw on my Favorite Nike T-Shirt, my Nike Softball Shorts, and put my hair in a pony tail. I did brush my teeth "specially" for the occasion, though.
Haha. Thanks for posting that. Good memories!
Glory days can be rare (or nonexistant) for some members of the StalkerClan. I know I don't remember any. Lots of Happy (even joyous) days though.
I dont have any talent worthy enough to make the papers. I guess I will have to be a spectator in the crowd, but not to big of a crowd or I may have a panic attack. Just a little crowd.
Aunt Michell, Your gift is the gift of laughter. Don't yu know that. You always make me feel better. You have the ability to make me do a belly roll. Few people have that talent. If you were to go on tour you would make a killing, just if you talked about your family. Good thing you didn't go that route.
This picture sure did bring back memories.
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