Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What Difference Does 60 Years Make?

Looking through the old family photos recently I couldn’t help but notice… how LITTLE I’ve changed in sixty years. 

Looking at these two photos side by side I see…

    • the same round rosy cheeks,
    • the same double (or triple) chins,
    • the same cute little mouth, open in anticipation of food,
    • the same baby blue eyes pleading,”Feed me, feed me”, and
    • they both look like they could be saying, “I’m a Doo-Doo’ed my pants.”

I wonder, is it appropriate for me to wish myself a happy birthday? Is that self-centered or conceited or something?  Oh heck, who cares…



Luci said...

Happy Birthday Bro!! Hope you have a "Good Day." This reminds me of the story Dad tells about you being in the kids ward at the old Methodist Hospital when you were little. The nurse came around checking diapers. You pulled yours out and looked your self and told her "It's not me." or something to that effect. Love you.

Sherry said...


I was hoping you would be a story up about the jar of smilies I gave you and the funny birthday card; or the wooden block I gave you ten years ago guessing you might be a grandfather. As you know my prediction did not come true. I throught you might review the time I celebrated your 50th birthday trying to get 50 people to sent you a birthday card.


Love, Mother, Daddy, Sherry, Carlos, Shawn and Jennifer

Amber said...

Happy birthday, Unk!!! I love you!!

MIchelle said...

Happy Birthday. I hope you didnt mess your pants on your birthday. That would be a bad day!!

Jeff said...

May the spirt of clean undies shine upon you for many many moons. May any bad smells such as fart spray or septic fumes never fill your nostrols. May the sweet smell of Aunt Jennies cooking always fill the air in you kitchen. Now if you can have all that, you have had a great Birthday and a great life.