Tuesday, December 25, 2018

A Christmas Birthday

Found this online and thought it might fit someone on the StalkerClan (with very minor alterations.)


  1. The Christmas Day you are born, your parents consider you a special gift from Santa, and ponder naming you Noelle, Holly, Joy, Eve or Carol. You almost became “Noelle” – until your parents let your older brother give you a boy's name.
  2. Some how, years later, that day you were once considered a special gift from Santa, turns into “that day you ruined your mom’s Christmas” (at least jokingly). After all, it’s your fault she ended up in hospital on Christmas Day, and your arrival made her miss a delicious turkey dinner.
  3. Speaking of turkey, you are almost guaranteed to eat turkey on your birthday every year…for the rest of your life.
  4. When you become a mom, you will spend your remaining birthdays cooking that turkey for everyone else.
  5. On the topic of food – you can forget about your kids ever making you breakfast in bed on your Christmas Birthday. They will be too busy sitting beside the Christmas tree opening their Christmas presents.
  6. Everyone tells you how great it must be to be born on Christmas Day! Ya. No.
  7. You receive a lot of two-fer’s on December 25th. What’s a two-fer? A 2-for-1. Two presents rolled into one. A combo. Also known as a “Birthmas present”.
  8. Speaking of combos, your birthday card (if you actually receive one) almost always mentions your “Christmas Birthday”. No funny cards for you. Your cards are full of snowy scenes, Santa, and Christmas decorations.
  9. What’s worse? When you receive a Christmas card containing the handwritten words “oh by the way – Happy Birthday too!”
  10. Your birthday gets lost in the excitement of everyone else’s Christmas. A quick birthday greeting, then – let the Christmas celebrations commence!
  11. When you complain about your birthday getting lost in the Christmas festivities, people suggest you should celebrate your birthday on June 25th instead. Really? This is NOT helpful.
  12. Your siblings also get presents on YOUR birthday.
  13. You receive cheap birthday presents – everyone is broke by the time they finally get around to remembering they also need to buy you a birthday present.
  14. The birthday gifts you do receive are wrapped in Christmas gift wrap.
  15. Birthday gifts are often Christmas decorations for your home.
  16. Any clothing you receive as a gift on your Christmas Birthday is often red or green…or both.
  17. You never get to have an actual party on your birthday. No one is around to invite to your party – they have already left on their Christmas vacation.
  18. Everything is always closed on your birthday.
  19. You can’t take advantage of those “birthday freebies” – because everything is closed.
  20. Your birthday cakes are always  “day olds”. Either bought the day before, or made the day before.
  21. You miss out on the free lunch and birthday cake at work.
  22. You pick another day during December to celebrate your birthday, only to find everyone is busy attending holiday parties.
  23. You share your birthday with Baby Jesus – someone many people consider far more important than yourself. You’re also in constant competition with that jolly old elf, St. Nick.
  24. You spend the month of December hearing everyone else speak of their plans for December 25th with nary a mention of your birthday.
  25. You long for a “green” birthday once in a while, while everyone else is longing for their white Christmas.
Posted by Clyde

1 comment:

Jeff said...

OMG! you spent a lot of time on this one....I did get one gift that has lasted a lifetime.
1. It has brought me many laughs at other's expense. Something only a true Stalker could understand.
2. It has been a big help with telemarketers. They always hang up on me when I use it. They think I am lying.
3. It causes my husband a lot of grief. A lot of GRIEF! (The time we both went to the doctor and the put him in my room and me in his. He looked at the stirrups and wondered what that was all about. Then the nurses came in and were totally messed up.) He won't go with me anymore.
4. It has made me tough. With a gift like this one, there is no way I could have ever been
a sissy girl, no chance...
5. But on the other side of the coin, I think I might have missed out of a lot of really wonderful blind dates. Who knows what might have happened if Mom had refused to let Clyde give me the gift that has lasted a life time. MY NAME.... Thanks brother...you are one crazy gift giver. lol