Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Costume

Emerson as Grandpa Clyde

Here's Emerson all dressed up and ready for Trick or Treating.

He decided to dress up real scary this year, he is going as Grandpa Clyde.

Grandma Jennie thought it was hilarious. I thought he made a pretty handsome fellow.



Anonymous said...

I can tell the diffrence
Emerson, if you really wanted to look like Grandpa, you needed to be sitting around or laying around. Everyone knows Grandpa don't do much standing around. Grandma might ask him to do something. Oh yeah! You didn't have any food in front of you. That was a "DEAD" give away. And where is your mouse. You must have a mouse to go along with that outfit. Other than that, you are a "DEAD" ringer for Grandpa. Happy Holloween Emerson. Pray for me. I have to go to Palatka and trick or treat with the wild bunch. The Mayberry's and Cameron. I already fill tricked. Or should I say "DOOMED?" All that candy. I know Randy will be happy. I just hope he doesn't try to take his own trick or treat bag to the door. Amber said Jevon came home from work and had candy for the kids. He gave Caleb some and Caleb said. "Thanks Granddad, I mean Dad" Go figure. He is so used to Randy giving him candy he just figures it's him all the time. Jevon had a good laugh over it.

Anonymous said...

That is so cute
I think that is a cute costume. Now I wonder if when Clyde took Emerson out if he wore a white curly wig and held a spiderman action figure. Now that would have been cute too.