Friday, February 22, 2008

Too Poor to be Republican

While talking to Mom the other day about our usual topic, the election, the conversation went like this.

MoneyBagsMom: Are you going to vote for Hillary?
Me: If she makes it I will.
Mom: Are you going to vote for Obama?
Me: If he makes it I will.
Mom: Michelle, you're not going to vote Democrat are you?
Me: Mom, I have figured it out, I am too poor to be a Republican, I must be a Democrat.
Mom: Now, Michelle you won't be a bit better off with a Democrat in there.
Me: Mom it is like this...when Bill was in the White House, I was not in the Poor House!

I think she was speechless!

Posted by Michelle


Anonymous said...

Mom was lamenting to me about how she must have gone wrong somehow in raising Michelle. She just couldn't believe she could have raised a child who would vote for Hillary. I couldn't help telling her that I might vote for her too. She hyperventilated for 5 min. I had to take it back for fear of another trip to the emergency room.

Anonymous said...

I am the only good one left. I will vote any way mom tells me to. If I could only get her to make Michelle give me my Davie back. I know davie would not want to be living with a democrate. Is Michelle a Rino. Republican in name only. You need to think about that mom. Poor old Davie. I can just see him hiding a blue dress and red lip stick now. I would never torture him in that way. Some people have no shame. Papaw does. He would never vote for the Hildabeast.. Hey I think I want to change my previous name for Michele from Davie Snacher to Michelltabeast. That is much better. Jeff

Anonymous said...

There's something about Hillary that just gives me diarrhea