Crystal Fawn started to chirp. Jeffery Hen said, "We have a baby right here for you to play with."
Panda said, "She's not that little."
Roo and Bear said, "Let's get some sleep."
The next morning when the sun rises, Roo got out of the hen house and did his daily crowing. Everyone around woke up to the crowing. The first thing Panda did was to look out the door to see if anyone was around. Fonda and Vonda was outside alone. Fonda said, "I want to watch the baby."
Panda said, "So do I."
Jeffery Hen got up out of her nest and said, "Panda, wait till after breakfast first."
When the rooster came back home with the morning meal, Roo stopped crowing. He looked down and sees Jeffery Hen, Crystal Fawn and Panda outside of hen house. He wondered why they were already outside. He flew down out of the tree and when he did Bear came out of the house.
Quick as all got finished eating. Panda started begging to go and play with the baby. Jeffery Hen said, "All right, Fonda tell your mother Vonda will go with us to see the baby."
When they arrived at the hen house the mother and baby were outside the hen house eating. The girls stood around watching the baby pick at the seeds.
"Chirp, Chirp," said Crystal Fawn.
"Chirp, Chirp," said the baby. Everyone started to laugh.
I Dream of Jeannie
I remember back before Michelle was born, I Dream of Jeannie was my favorite show. It came on in 1965 and stayed on till 1970?
I don't know how many times I have watch a rerun of the show, but I never did see the very first episode.
I got on the Google and looked it up and there it was in three sections. I got to watch it without any commercial interruptions.
I remember Sherry would get so upset when it was time for I dream of Jennie and LB Johnson was on there making a speech.
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