Monday, December 29, 2008

Poetry From Amber



Dear Grandpa,

I often wonder why you had to leave us so soon.
It feels like you still had so much to give, so much to do.
I know in my heart that God has a plan.
I just can't believe that your part here had to end.
I guess to us you seemed more than a man,
more than a person, more than a plan.

I have to admit I was bitter for a while.
To never feel your hug, hear your laugh, or see your smile.
To think that my children will never hear you sing or hold your soft hand.
It seems to be more than one person can stand.
To watch Grandma go through life without her soul-mate.
The pain, I can imagine, almost too great.

But in these past years I've gone seeking God's face.
And what I found was a great abundance of peace.
He has shown me wisdom beyond my dreams.
He has opened my eyes and shown me things.
And one thing He knew that I needed to see-
That your legacy's still here, even though you can't be.

You are all around, if only we try...
To see the beauty left behind from your life.
In the children that you raised and the wife you loved so.
In the house that you built and the fields that you hoed.
In the smell of gardenias or the color red.
In a new silk shirt or a smooth bald head.

If I listen hard at church, I can hear you sing above the rest.
I see you in my son when he pokes out his little chest.
You are there in the deep brown of my children's eyes.
I even hear you when a night owl cries.
Your humor can be heard in every joke that we tell.
In your clothes Grandma kept, I can still smell your smell.

Sometimes I see your swing sway in the wind.
But I know it's really you there, singing hymns.
I see you in my Dad as he leads Christmas prayer.
It's not just me, Grandad, we all know you're there.
Oh yes, you are there and I'm not mistaken.
Because not all of you went when you were taken.

I love you Grandpa!



Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful poem. I didn't know we had such talent in the family.

Anonymous said...

I bet Clyde is laughing and making fun of his sisters for crying over this poem. I loved this poem. That part about him still being around. I believe they are never really gone, just in a better place.