Friday, December 7, 2018

Meaner's Memory

I learned long ago not to question Sherry's memory when it comes to dates.  She has everyone's birthday, anniversary and other significant dates memorized.  

In a moment of weakness yesterday I wondered about her report that Wednesday would have been Joe and Wanda's 60th wedding anniversary.  I thought that I was older than nine when they got married.  I should have known better than to doubt the Meaner's Memory...

Dec. 5th. 1958, as documented by the Commonwealth of Virginia, was the day Joe and Wanda went to Clintwood and were married.  Exactly 60 years ago Wednesday.  

It wasn't long after they were married that I discovered how delicious pineapple upside-down cake tasted.  It was on a Sunday, March 8th, 1959 at about 1:25 in the afternoon. It was in Grandma Rachel's kitchen and I was sitting in the chair nearest the door to the back porch. (My memory works a little bit like Sherry's, just different priorities.)

Posted by Clyde


Sherry said...

Accord to the internet. Joe and Wanda got married on Friday. Milton and Mary was married on Wednesday.

Jeff said...

Meaner has it one me for sure. I can't remember my own birthday sometimes.