Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Vacuum Cleaner

I remember back when we lived down on the river, we tried to get Dad to buy Mother a vacuum cleaner. Dad finally got Mother a vacuum for Christmas. It was a great big thing, nobody knew how to use it.

Mother said, "I got a vacuum cleaner for Christmas and I can't get anybody to even tip it!"

Posted by Sherry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Old Vaccuum

I remember one time Dad bought home an old vaccuum cleaner; he used either his or Clyde's pant leg for the collecting bag. The cleaner was so loud that everytime he turned it on Lucille, Jeffery and I would run out the back door. The picture Clyde used reminded me of it.

If I remember corrected it only got used that one time and it stayed out in the smokehouse ever since.

The vaccuum I was talking about that Mom got for Christmas was a big tub shaped thing. If I remember correctly it stayed in the back bedroom in everybody's way for a while then it when to the basement.